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How long will The Simpsons Ride last?

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How long will the Simpsons Ride last?

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Grrr i don't like the Simpson's. I think the should bring back back to the future. at least on one floor maybe the middle section. Take out everything Simpson's on that level make a inclosed walk way so it seems like your going into the Institute Of Future Technology. let Simpson's be on the first floor and top floor. And let the 2 films alternate each-other. when Simpson's is loading let back to the future run. when back to the future is loading let Simpson's run. I think it could be done and letting a classic universal attraction come back at least in some form would be great
I wouldn't want that, only to save Team Members from the headache of trying to explain it to guests.

"So is this The Simpsons or Back to the Future?"
It's both. If you go on the right side you can ride The Simpsons, and if you go on the left side you can ride Back to the Future.
"But it's one ride?"
No, it's two separate rides in one attraction.
"So it's two rides?"
"Are they the same?"
Sort of. It's the same motion simulator system, but there are two different experiences.
"So it's one ride?"
No, it's two different rides.
"But you just said they're the same."

*wants to kill self*
I loved BTTF, but unfortunately, BTTF is outdated. Universal is about riding the movies... the current movies. If they updated it, what would they update it with? BTTF 3? A film from 1990? 20 years ago?

So then if your theory holds true they should get rid of Jaws cause its from the 70s. Some movies stand the test of time, and to be honest IMHO, Back to the Future is one of those movies that will NEVER EVER get re-made. Its just too perfect the way it is and doesn't need any updating. Its my favorite movie of all time so I have some bias here, but nothing good would come out of a new BTTF unless it was a part 4 continuation.

As far as The Simpsons ride, 5 - 10 max, but the amount of money they put into the building and having it all the parks as well shows to me that it could be longer thant that, so who knows.
IMO films that get made these days disappear after a few years, say in 3 years who's gonna be talking about Kick-ass? Back when Jaws etc were made we didnt have the technology nor did we have the cameras we have today, yet these films are still around and thousands of people watch them every day! I can understand why The Simpsons got a ride, its made its own foot print because it is so funny and it deserved a ride (although taking out BTTF was a large mistake).Im 16 and my brothers 13, we both have seen the BTTF films many times, even though they are not "current"! Now if a 13 year old can watch a film from 1985 and another from 10 years before and understand it, why would you remove the ride? Im sorry but no 10 year old actually understands The Simpsons and i also believe they wouldn't understand the story line of the ride. So if these rides are aimed at people me and my brothers age and above? There is no need to make everything "current"....

Rant over :D
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^Perfectly said. I think the "why did they remove BTTF?" debate will be an on-going arguement as long as Simpsons is open. I mean the "why did they remove Kong" debate still rages on, and it will until Uni brings him back somehow.
PLEASE don't get me started on Kong. I wasn't really affected by the closing of the ride here (Don't remember it very well :( ), but what they decided to do about its burning down in Cali. just pisses me off. They could have easily re-done the old attraction and it would have cost LESS than what they decided to do instead. I don't know about you guys but 3-D doesn't really scare me. The idea of having a 3-D Kong fight 3-D T-rex's is kinda lame. If they found some way to include physical animated props (Maybe an animatronic Kong hand reaching down from the ceiling or pop up animatronic raptors), I'td probably make it a bit more appealing to me. I personally would rather have an animatronic Kong roaring at me than a fake 3-D movie of the new kong. LAME.

Rant Over

And I still think removing BTTF was a huge mistake on Uni's part. Simpsons, while a decent replacement, will never be as amazing or fun as BTTF was.
Im sorry but no 10 year old actually understands The Simpsons and i also believe they wouldn't understand the story line of the ride. So if these rides are aimed at people me and my brothers age and above? There is no need to make everything "current"....

The Simpsons have been ingrained in our culture for so long that I'd have to disagree that 10 year olds don't understand it. Also, even if you never heard of the show, the storyline of the ride is pretty simple to follow (wacky family is chased by villain and chaos ensues).
PLEASE don't get me started on Kong. I wasn't really affected by the closing of the ride here (Don't remember it very well :( ), but what they decided to do about its burning down in Cali. just pisses me off. They could have easily re-done the old attraction and it would have cost LESS than what they decided to do instead. I don't know about you guys but 3-D doesn't really scare me. The idea of having a 3-D Kong fight 3-D T-rex's is kinda lame. If they found some way to include physical animated props (Maybe an animatronic Kong hand reaching down from the ceiling or pop up animatronic raptors), I'td probably make it a bit more appealing to me. I personally would rather have an animatronic Kong roaring at me than a fake 3-D movie of the new kong. LAME.

Rant Over

And I still think removing BTTF was a huge mistake on Uni's part. Simpsons, while a decent replacement, will never be as amazing or fun as BTTF was.
Call me crazy, but I think Kong 360 will be pretty awsome...Maybe I'm just optomistic though.
Kong 360 will be pretty cool and once it opens believe me, I'll want to give it a try. I just prefer things that are actually there and not on a scren is all.
It will stay here well after the show has been cancelled. (which will unfortunatly, probably happen within the next 5 years.) I say this because Jimmy Neutron has been at USF LOOOOOONNNNNGGG after it has been canceled, and if a ride with a show like that could stay after it's source bites the dust, then The Simpsons, (with it's massive marks on World Pop Culture) will stay for a loonng while.
Im sorry but no 10 year old actually understands The Simpsons and i also believe they wouldn't understand the story line of the ride.

While working, I like to ask guests their favorite attractions (particularly kids) and the answer is almost always, without fail, The Simpsons. So regardless of them "understanding" it, they enjoy it.
While working, I like to ask guests their favorite attractions (particularly kids) and the answer is almost always, without fail, The Simpsons. So regardless of them "understanding" it, they enjoy it.

Kids almost always love simulators though. Often a childhood favorite, why? Because it allows them to be tall and ready enough for a 'thrill' even if jerky and simulated. Its a fun adventure that their imagination can get lost in. It has little to do with The Simpsons branding because before that kids loved Back to the Future for the same reasons.
Well The Simpsons is one of the best long running shows ever and it has fans throughout the world so when the series is over and most of tha fandom is gone.... thatll take some years besides there are many rides that need the boot first because of the oldness... so i give it 15 years because what are we going to replace it to?
I want to say 10, but I definitely agree that it's not going last as long as Back to the Future. Simply put, Back to the Future was something Universal really spent their money and time on. It was created from the ground up and you can all tell it was a great attempt at creating something original.

On the other hand, I consider the Simpsons to be one of Universal's most pitiful attempts at creating something new. For a franchise that has over 18 years of backlogged material, the Simpsons Ride really falls short. Granted, I think Universal Creative did the best they can with the budget they had, but it really seems to fall short (for me) in so many aspects.
^Agreed! I absolutely despise The Simpsons Ride. I'm not one for simulators that have little to no movement at all, I want the real thing, but I can understand what someone said earlier about how little kids love it. And yes, I want my Kong back too :(
I understand being sentimental, but let's be real: The Mummy ride is better than the Kong ride was in all honesty. It was definitely a smart move to replace and old and outdated ride with such an award-winning replacement. It was good for its time, but it needed to be replaced. That being said, I definitely think that Kong is the ultimate universal studios icon and should probably have his own attraction in all of their parks. I think that I'd even be happy with a similar thing that is on the studio tour in LA (kinda like how they took the basic idea of the kong attraction from USH back then and turned it into a full ride @ USF).
Replace Jimmy Neutron with a Kong based 3D simulator ride, that would be great, and you theme the vehicles as jeeps going through the forest.