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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

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I just got back from watching it. It's a fine movie. Better than Force Awakens, but not as good as Last Jedi IMO. On its own, it's a decent film, but really underwhelming as a finale for both a trilogy and especially for a nine-film saga. The final battle feels exactly the same as the ones in I-VIII and lacks the "last stand" we saw in finales earlier this year with Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones.
I didn't think the finale had much emotional weight to it. It just sort of happened. And the fact that the First Order was able to figure out how to build hundreds of planet destroying weapons (a bunch of flying death stars!) and yet somehow every single ship blows up simply by the resistance shooting at a certain point on the bottom of all the ships? Nah, not buying it.

And somehow all the main characters escape death when Palpatine strikes up at the resistance? They made Palpatine seem weak in this movie. The real Palpatine, not the one who won't even take the name. They had her wayyyyyy over-powered. I did like the training scene, but it needed to be in TFA or TLJ.

And Hux being a spy was completely stupid and came out of nowhere. I get that he wants to take over as Supreme Leader, but surely there are better ways of going about it than sabotaging your allies while at war? Isn't Kylo Ren supposed to be great at reading people's minds? How the hell did he not pick up on that?
I literally burst out laughing in the theater when this moment happened because it was just so damn dumb.
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Thanks to a significant theater discount, I went to see the Rise of Skywalker. People criticized me for hating on a movie I read the leaks/spoilers for, not caring to see it. With all of the good reviews people were giving me, I decided to go in with an open mind and low expectations. When people told me to give it a chance and it’s not as bad as I think it would be, they were right! It’s just that the movie was WORSE than I ever imagined it would be.

Freakin’ yikes man. They had no explanation for the emperor returning, I had no idea what was going on or if there was any coherent plot for the first 30 min, Rey was WAY more OP than the spoilers made her out to be, RIDICULOUS plot holes (How did the emperor build a huge fleet with so little resources? How in the world did the emperor’s body and at least a quarter of the Death Star was in tact when clearly the entire thing was blown to bits in ROTJ?), too much lazy fan service and nostalgia (We threw Anakin’s voice in there! Rey is facing the suns on Luke’s moisture farm! Look! The Death Star!), and they clearly replied off of Endgame with how Rey killed Palpatine with the “I am all the a Jedi!” line and how all of the ships appeared to save the day.

The only good I can say about this movie was Kylo’s story arc. That was the only small saving grace of the movie or even the entire trilogy. Other than that...serious question to those of you who liked it: WHY!? Why did you like this? What good did you see in this movie? I seriously fear for the future of cinema and good storytelling if all of you think this was a great movie. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when something as bland and unoriginal like the Lion King remake makes over a billion.

Oh, and the movie should be called Rise of Palpatine. Palpatine did EXACTLY what Rey wanted her to do to him. Who’s to say that after she’s squatted all of Luke’s property, after the final shot where she looks off into the sunset, her eyes turn yellow as soon as the camera looks away as Palpatine lives on in her?

ROS was bar-none the WORST Star Wars movie, period. I will never complain about Attack of the Clones or the Phantom Menace, ever again. Even the Clone Wars pilot movie was better than this nuclear train wreck. The Disney Star Wars trilogy is NOT canon. I have spoken.
Thanks to a significant theater discount, I went to see the Rise of Skywalker. People criticized me for hating on a movie I read the leaks/spoilers for, not caring to see it. With all of the good reviews people were giving me, I decided to go in with an open mind and low expectations. When people told me to give it a chance and it’s not as bad as I think it would be, they were right! It’s just that the movie was WORSE than I ever imagined it would be.

Freakin’ yikes man. They had no explanation for the emperor returning, I had no idea what was going on or if there was any coherent plot for the first 30 min, Rey was WAY more OP than the spoilers made her out to be, RIDICULOUS plot holes (How did the emperor build a huge fleet with so little resources? How in the world did the emperor’s body and at least a quarter of the Death Star was in tact when clearly the entire thing was blown to bits in ROTJ?), too much lazy fan service and nostalgia (We threw Anakin’s voice in there! Rey is facing the suns on Luke’s moisture farm! Look! The Death Star!), and they clearly replied off of Endgame with how Rey killed Palpatine with the “I am all the a Jedi!” line and how all of the ships appeared to save the day.

The only good I can say about this movie was Kylo’s story arc. That was the only small saving grace of the movie or even the entire trilogy. Other than that...serious question to those of you who liked it: WHY!? Why did you like this? What good did you see in this movie? I seriously fear for the future of cinema and good storytelling if all of you think this was a great movie. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when something as bland and unoriginal like the Lion King remake makes over a billion.

Oh, and the movie should be called Rise of Palpatine. Palpatine did EXACTLY what Rey wanted her to do to him. Who’s to say that after she’s squatted all of Luke’s property, after the final shot where she looks off into the sunset, her eyes turn yellow as soon as the camera looks away as Palpatine lives on in her?

ROS was bar-none the WORST Star Wars movie, period. I will never complain about Attack of the Clones or the Phantom Menace, ever again. Even the Clone Wars pilot movie was better than this nuclear train wreck. The Disney Star Wars trilogy is NOT canon. I have spoken.
sooooo, bottom line, you really liked the flick. :lol:;)
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Other than Rogue One and any potential future films (Skywalker Saga or KOTR), I won't ever be re-watching any of these Disney films. Its a shame, The Force Awakens was my first Star Wars film ever in a theatre and got me so HYPED for what was to come. Then they stumbled on the last 2 films big time. It was such a wasted opportunity which makes me super upset tbh.
I just keep thinking how The Last Jedi's ending would've made a better ending to the trilogy.

I still don't blame JJ as much as I blame Disney. JJ made a competent film with TFA; something that cleansed the palate of the prequels, not taking risks, and establishing some basic story elements for Rian to continue with. TLJ still has issues, but it now stands out even more with how different it is, with risky and fresh storytelling.
Other than that...serious question to those of you who liked it: WHY!? Why did you like this? What good did you see in this movie? I seriously fear for the future of cinema and good storytelling if all of you think this was a great movie.

I think it's better than all 3 prequels, that doesn't mean I think it's great but I enjoyed it purely on an entertainment level and came out happier than after TLJ.

I get people not liking it, and I respect those views (each to their own and all that) I just find it really hard to understand how the prequels are regarded as better.
I'll just leave this here:
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Disney Star Wars needs to stick to films like Rogue One. Fleshed our, one off Star Wars movies. Do a Knights Of The Old Republic Movie. If it’s good and does well, great, make another. In the case of Rogue One the sequel happened to be A New Hope but we’re getting a tv series based off one of the characters so that means they sure haven’t forgotten the success of it.

For awhile I just wanted a KOTR trilogy, which I still think will happen, but just focus on one story at the time. They clearly cannot handle a trilogy. While people are probably sick of family stories in Star Wars, The Eternal Twins really is a good one
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So apparently Palpatine was not a part of Trevorrow's version of the film.

Also... looks like the film will hit a billion, but it's definitely crawling to that milestone - at least in comparison to other blockbusters.
Has been a consistent downhill trend since TLJ for Star Wars box office. They aren't doing bad business but if you're looking at future ops, its a bit scary id say. They kinda need these films to make a billion.

Its more and more clear by the day that they had zero plan for the trilogy. Like none whatsoever. You don't throw in Palpatine in the final movie, saying he's behind EVERYTHING for all 9 films, and act like there was ANY plan whatsoever. Big reason why this is easily the worst Star Wars trilogy in my book. I truly don't think I can ever even re-watch these things they totally tainted Star Wars for me. Sorry, gotta rant bout it every once in awhile to get it out of me lol.
Has been a consistent downhill trend since TLJ for Star Wars box office. They aren't doing bad business but if you're looking at future ops, its a bit scary id say. They kinda need these films to make a billion.

Its more and more clear by the day that they had zero plan for the trilogy. Like none whatsoever. You don't throw in Palpatine in the final movie, saying he's behind EVERYTHING for all 9 films, and act like there was ANY plan whatsoever. Big reason why this is easily the worst Star Wars trilogy in my book. I truly don't think I can ever even re-watch these things they totally tainted Star Wars for me. Sorry, gotta rant bout it every once in awhile to get it out of me lol.

Lol I get it. It's frustrating.

They still could have had Rey part of the Palpatine bloodline (still stupid, but lesser so) and not have him back.

A lot of baffling decisions.
I’ve got money on it doing more business than Joker still and getting close to if not hitting 1.1B
Lol I get it. It's frustrating.

They still could have had Rey part of the Palpatine bloodline (still stupid, but lesser so) and not have him back.

A lot of baffling decisions.
Exactly, he didn't need to be there and was never justified being there. Also completely contradicts TLJ saying her parents are "no one". Palpatine's SON, is not a nobody in any way shape or form. Maybe he DID nothing, but thats the furthest thing from a nobody. Could have been an interesting backstory even how the man who's apparently behind every villain in Star Wars, has a son, who defies him. I mean for all the family drama we get in Star Wars, that sounds like a pretty interesting one to me! Again, just none of it made sense. Really shame.

For me, theres only 6 episodic films and Rogue One. Just speaking for myself.
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Given what they had to work with after TLJ, it certainly sound better, but still not great IMO.
Here’s the thing though, there’s an old adage in story-telling with regard to a story told in a three acts:

Act 1 - Your characters climb a tree.
Act 2 - You throw rocks at the characters.
Act 3 - They get out of the tree.

The original trilogy did a great job of this. The Last Jedi, however, is probably the BEST example of “Throwing rocks.” The Resistance is in shambles and on the run. The last Jedi is dead. The villain is more powerful than ever. The only hope that exists is in the hope that a story is enough to rally the people. It is, probably, the deepest low point of any Star Wars movie.

Trevorrow’s script gets the characters out the tree. Luke’s becomes MORE impactful after his death. The actions of the original trilogy linger and bear weight. It has fan-service while expanding the world in appropriate ways.

JJ Abrams grew a new tree.
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Look at this and tell me that what we got was still good. That laser guillotine, Luke holding Kylo’s lightsaber....holy crap.

Thanks Kathleen Kennedy for not allowing this to happen. Who would’ve thought that an R-rated DC movie would earn more than the finale of the Skywalker saga? That’s how bad they messed up.
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Look at this and tell me that what we got was still good. That laser guillotine, Luke holding Kylo’s lightsaber....holy crap.

Thanks Kathleen Kennedy for not allowing this to happen. Who would’ve thought that an R-rated DC movie would earn more than the finale of the Skywalker saga? That’s how bad they messed up.

It's been confirmed by Treverrow it's not from their story.
Look at this and tell me that what we got was still good. That laser guillotine, Luke holding Kylo’s lightsaber....holy crap.

Thanks Kathleen Kennedy for not allowing this to happen. Who would’ve thought that an R-rated DC movie would earn more than the finale of the Skywalker saga? That’s how bad they messed up.
I’ll put money on it that TROS ends up earning more than Joker based on my years following box office returns.

Not by much, however.