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Lurkers & New Members: PLEASE READ

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It's a small world, now that song is stuck la la lala la la la. :lol: It was one each in the footy so will be fine at work:thumbs:

Ask away if you want any advice on the parks every one is really friendly and helpful.

And yep you need to "woman up" and hit those rides:p

It really is!! Aha I don mind having that song stuck in my head tends to go after a while! Lol and I quite like the Paris version of the ride!

That's all good then there's usually a good bit of banter before any Forest vs derby games!

Thanks seems very friendly from what I've seen(well read!) which is why I signed up and came out of lurking! Lol

Think the rip or whatever the music one in UNI is called (not very good at remembering ride names) going to be one I will be missing!
It really is!! Aha I don mind having that song stuck in my head tends to go after a while! Lol and I quite like the Paris version of the ride!

That's all good then there's usually a good bit of banter before any Forest vs derby games!

Thanks seems very friendly from what I've seen(well read!) which is why I signed up and came out of lurking! Lol

Think the rip or whatever the music one in UNI is called (not very good at remembering ride names) going to be one I will be missing!

Rip, Ride, Rockit, daft name if you ask me any way :shrug:

Glad you came out of hibernation, see you around the forums:wave:
Hi everyone, I've been a lurker for a few months, but after reading this thread I was encouraged to join :) I'm a member of wdw magic but I rarely post there, as there is a lot of negativity and despite trying, it's very hard to feel part of the community, they're very clicky, has anyone found that?
Anyway, I live in the UK so I don't get to visit Orlando as much as I'd like, but I'm only 20 so I'm sure once I'm earning money I can fly across every year :)
There a great bunch, nothing like wdwmagic :catfight:

Come and join in you won't look back, I didn't oh and im from the UK too, there are quite a few of us believe it or not.

Hope to see you around the boards.
@roodlesnouter: haha love the emote, describes them perfectly :D I guessed that from your Sig, I went there last August in the pouring rain, longest edit was 2 hours for Rita 0_0 you'd think the rain would deter people from going...
Hey there everyone! I'm a longtime lurker that finally decided to become an official member! As a central Floridian I find myself at the parks often...I love to share the hobby with other fans!

This is a great site and I'm glad to finally be a part of it!

Hello and welcome! You will enjoy yourself here!

been lurking around for a few months (sounds a bit stalkerish! lol) and finally decided to join... i'm from East Midlands in the UK so spend most my theme park time at Alton Towers... if i had the money i would def do UNI/WDW more (only been once in 04)... going for a trip in september this year sooo excited, but also slightly gutted that harry potter part two will be done after wards :( but transformers should be open so i guess i can't complain tooo much!

Another Alton Towers regular?! I expect many opening day reports from SW7 :lol: Welcome though and for those who don't know my Moms entire side is from England and we actually all have dual citizenship. Which is crazy because I've never been. My sister however will be teaching at Cambridge next semester and my Mom and other sister will be in England for six weeks this Spring.

Hi everyone, I've been a lurker for a few months, but after reading this thread I was encouraged to join :) I'm a member of wdw magic but I rarely post there, as there is a lot of negativity and despite trying, it's very hard to feel part of the community, they're very clicky, has anyone found that?
Anyway, I live in the UK so I don't get to visit Orlando as much as I'd like, but I'm only 20 so I'm sure once I'm earning money I can fly across every year :)

Welcome! We're very open here and try not to seem negative. I myself am a smarty so to some I may appear rude but I can assure I'm not. I just have a messed up sense of humor is all. Please enjoy yourself and join in.
Welcome! We're very open here and try not to seem negative. I myself am a smarty so to some I may appear rude but I can assure I'm not. I just have a messed up sense of humor is all. Please enjoy yourself and join in.

Thank you! :) I have learned from my lurking that you are one to trust and are very informed. I read earlier that you started from nothing and now have all sorts of contacts. How on earth did you manage that? I would love to be able to do what you've done, but sadly I'm in the UK, and so no networking for me - not until I move to the US ;)

:welcome: Berry91 and Phoenix! Lots of new members from across the pond! Awesome to meet you guys! :thumbs:

nice to meet you too :) I'm always surprised to find other people from my side of the pond :)
Thanks for deciding to sign up! We're glad to have you here! :wave: Any annual passes?
Yep! I'm an annual pass holder to Universal and the Disney water parks, as well as Sea World this year. I've been a Uni pass holder since 2002-2003, and I switch off every year between Busch Gardens and Sea World.

While I love the Disney parks too, their passes are really expensive.
Another reason I would love to see more of our readers post pics. Heck you can email them to me if you want and I'll post them. :thumbs:
I got one for you frequent update providers, how far are you guys from the Orlando area?

I'm not a frequent update provider for obvious reasons, but it's always interesting to learn about everyone's unique locations.

17,966km. 360 hours (according to google maps). Across the planet. Okinawa, Japan. :lol: