HHN 2022: Universal Horror Hotel | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 2022: Universal Horror Hotel

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
A 1920s Hollywood hotel, once the hunting ground of its infamous serial killer owner, has been turned into a modern-day haunted hotel. Now he’s back from the dead. Your first stay will be your last.
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From the little bits and pieces we've heard, this is going pretty easily close to the top of my hype list for the year. Probably one of the first times in a while that an Original on this coast has felt really felt like it fit the term Original. However, I've gotta say, not digging the title. I mean, Hotel Deville was right there, it's not exactly a subtle name unto itself but it flows a bit better. Or even Universal's Hotel of Horrors, pay a little homage do House of Horrors since it's practically in the same spot.
Either way, still really looking forward to this, and we know so little right now that it could really go in any direction, but I'm looking forward to it.
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From the little bits and pieces we've heard, this is going pretty easily close to the top of my hype list for the year. Probably one of the first times in a while that an Original on this coast has felt really felt like it fit the term Original. However, I've gotta say, not digging the title. I mean, Hotel Deville was right there, it's not exactly a subtle name unto itself but it flows a bit better. Or even Universal's Hotel of Horrors, pay a little homage do House of Horrors since it's practically in the same spot.
Either way, still really looking forward to this, and we know so little right now that it could really go in any direction, but I'm looking forward to it.

I haven't read into much of the details that's been out from the Midsummer event but the line of the description that says " has been turned into a modern-day haunted hotel" leads me to believe that Universal decided to turn this into a modern-day haunted hotel for tourism.
This name is so lazy it's laughable, but nonetheless, I'm excited to see it. I don't think it'll be off the charts amazing as it was rushed to cover up Evil Dead, but should still be at least decent.
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The name could’ve been better, but nonetheless I’m digging the vintage creepy Hollywood style this maze is going for. I love stuff that reminds of Tower Of Terror, and perhaps this one of my most anticipated right next to UCM.
I’m 99% certain the house was supposed to have a different name, but they had trouble getting it cleared. This was the last minute pivot.
I think I'm most excited for this house because I can't map it out in my head. Every other house I have a clear understanding of who the characters are, what the setting is, and what the storyline should be.
With this one, I only have a vague idea.
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So the old line are will be for lines and then the room were their was a line but they stopped you, I’d assume where this pre show is going
I’m very curious for this one. Everything I’ve seen and heard sounds great but I can’t help but feel it’s going to be horrible
I bet they just lightly rethemed the initial hallway to look like a hotel, the "Don't Open, Dead Inside" doors will be the exact same effect of "something" trying to get out at us (minus the WD-specific graffiti), and then the switchback part of the queue is in the hotel "lobby," again with the same lighting and sound effects. All the medical supplies and stuff will be swapped out, but I'd bet every thing that's not TWD hospital-specific will still be there, like the vending machines. I'm keeping my expectations in check on this one--TWD was painfully short, and so if they didn't utilize any excess space that might've been available, then this might be a victim of brevity.
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I bet they just lightly rethemed the initial hallway to look like a hotel, the "Don't Open, Dead Inside" doors will be the exact same effect of "something" trying to get out at us (minus the WD-specific graffiti), and then the switchback part of the queue is in the hotel "lobby," again with the same lighting and sound effects. All the medical supplies and stuff will be swapped out, but I'd bet every thing that's not TWD hospital-specific will still be there, like the vending machines. I'm keeping my expectations in check on this one--TWD was painfully short, and so if they didn't utilize any excess space that might've been available, then this might be a victim of brevity.
It's worth noting though, for what it was, Walking Dead did have pretty high ceilings and a lot of pretty tall and open scenes compared to your typical maze. Even if it turns out short, I'm just hoping they have some big elaborate scenes to make it really feel like a hotel. It's something Shining really struggled with not having, so I'm kinda hoping this maze iterates where that failed.
I bet they just lightly rethemed the initial hallway to look like a hotel, the "Don't Open, Dead Inside" doors will be the exact same effect of "something" trying to get out at us (minus the WD-specific graffiti), and then the switchback part of the queue is in the hotel "lobby," again with the same lighting and sound effects. All the medical supplies and stuff will be swapped out, but I'd bet every thing that's not TWD hospital-specific will still be there, like the vending machines. I'm keeping my expectations in check on this one--TWD was painfully short, and so if they didn't utilize any excess space that might've been available, then this might be a victim of brevity.
I think you’re onto something. I have a theory that Murdy was originally wanting to do Evil Dead Rise so he can reuse TWDA queue while just demo’ing the actual maze portion. This would cut the cost in half of having to gut the building. If you’re going to use that money allocated for HHN to gut TWDA, why not just use that money to carve out space for what you really need? On top of that, why not cheaply reskin the queue line when the theme is already there to use to your advantage?

As for TWDA being really short, there were some awfully large rooms in the attraction, namely the woods and the track dock scene. You could easily squeeze two scenes in each of the large scenes. You can still get a lot of mileage out of just the space used for the maze itself.
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