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Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (Disney's Hollywood Studios)

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Nor can you, meaning by that logic you can't make the argument for the opposition either.

The model shouldn't really be looked at to make any final decisions (not that I think anyone has) as things may change and the land will look very different from ground level. That being said we can still get a sense of what the land will be, so it's perfectly valid for some concerns to be raised. :)

but I wasn't making an argument? I just said the model looks great!

I just can't with some of you you wake up with a frown on your face?
Probably the most unique aspect of this land is that it has multiple focal points? rather than the usual one. Unlike Diagon with just the Gringotts facade, it looks like numerous towers and x-wings will steal the show?

yeah, that's what makes it interesting to me, there really isn't any stand out monument except maybe that "jabba-palace" like tower. Instead there are a ton of spaceships, and odd and ends all over the place. I think this will make the area much more immersive. If they really have aliens and robots walking about (which I find doubtful), it will feel like a real outpost. I don't know, I'm even more excited now than I was before.
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I like it, but don't love it. It's def huge and has me hyped, but I'm also a bit let down with how much concrete there will be.
You won't even see the concrete through the hoardes of people. :)

As for the ride count, it is unfortunate that there are only 2, but that is the norm these days. Cars Land had 3 (despite 2 being one-step-above carnival types), Pandora had 2, and so did Diagon Alley (if you count Hogwarts Express, which single-park ticket holders can't experience). If you want rides set within a beautiful landscape, you must sacrifice quantity for quality.
I disagree. Star Wars land in DHS could fit an extra two rides right now. One, the people mover/bantha. And it also has an expansion spot. The problem is, people always mention expansion spots- yet they are rarely ever realized. And when they are, they could take 20 years. Take Avatar- it has an expansion area- think that'll be used? Yet they could have had a third ride.
Diagon alley could have dropped fear factor and had a ride with the entrance just near the stage. But they didn't. At least universal seems more prone to actually using their minimal expansion areas they have. I think with VB expansion and D.C. Replacement both areas will be expanded as they certainly could use it.
Toy story is the biggest offender and certainly doesn't meet your description. It has a crap ton of land- isn't really themed to the hilt- and will only have two rides- one a needed family launch coaster and the other a flat. This is one land that I think certainly could have used a couple more flats with all the land they have. Granted, it'll be marketed as "3 rides" with TSMM- This is one that I'd take immersive with not two rides, or non immersive with a ton of rides. Instead, we got neither.
They way Disney reports the walk around characters is if there are 100+ walking around. Reality is that we'll probably see a few thru out the day just interacting with guests around X-Wings or a prop. Not just walking around.
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but I wasn't making an argument? I just said the model looks great!

I just can't with some of you you wake up with a frown on your face?

Forgive me, that's how it came across to me. That being said I don't see how saying that the model should be taken lightly or how I am personally not sold on every little aspect means "I wake up with a frown on my face".

I think pointing out positives such as the Battle Escape attraction, Millennium Falcon piece and marketplace (I am waiting until we know more tomorrow to comment on these) should be noted. However, based on this model (which I have said on multiple occasions shouldn't be used to judge the land fully) there are also negatives to be brought up. This addition is fantastic to me and is far better than anything that will ever come to my local theme parks, so I was personally fairly excited about it - however right now, the model, just isn't exciting me as much as even Pandora did.

The fact of the matter is that whilst you can be too negative, you can also be too positive and be blind to some not so good aspects of projects. Pretending that any land is 'perfect' is pointless until you have actually experienced it, so forgive me for being hesitant about the land based on how we have seen previous project go in the last 5 years. It's important to respect everyone's opinion on here, and accept what you might see and phenomenal others might need more convincing about as at the end of the day - its just a model.
They way Disney reports the walk around characters is if there are 100+ walking around. Reality is that we'll probably see a few thru out the day just interacting with guests around X-Wings or a prop. Not just walking around.

We just don't know yet. Disneys pushing hard for some unique things in this land like (reportedly per MiceAge) no signs, no wait boards, in character all the time, and discovery through an app. I wonder how much will make it past testing and how much will be cut or changed by ops once it's handed over.
We just don't know yet. Disneys pushing hard for some unique things in this land like (reportedly per MiceAge) no signs, no wait boards, in character all the time, and discovery through an app. I wonder how much will make it past testing and how much will be cut or changed by ops once it's handed over.

Didn't they have signs up in Pandora, like 24 hours after opening to the public? LOL.

I don't see how they can have walk around characters, as they will get mobbed with selfie requests. Possible they could have a "no photo" policy like they do at HHN?

I just don't see how that will work in reality.

Forgive me, that's how it came across to me. That being said I don't see how saying that the model should be taken lightly or how I am personally not sold on every little aspect means "I wake up with a frown on my face".

I think pointing out positives such as the Battle Escape attraction, Millennium Falcon piece and marketplace (I am waiting until we know more tomorrow to comment on these) should be noted. However, based on this model (which I have said on multiple occasions shouldn't be used to judge the land fully) there are also negatives to be brought up. This addition is fantastic to me and is far better than anything that will ever come to my local theme parks, so I was personally fairly excited about it - however right now, the model, just isn't exciting me as much as even Pandora did.

The fact of the matter is that whilst you can be too negative, you can also be too positive and be blind to some not so good aspects of projects. Pretending that any land is 'perfect' is pointless until you have actually experienced it, so forgive me for being hesitant about the land based on how we have seen previous project go in the last 5 years. It's important to respect everyone's opinion on here, and accept what you might see and phenomenal others might need more convincing about as at the end of the day - its just a model.

I forgive you, let's just say I completely disagree with your "generic" Sci Fi comment. Based on that model, it clearly looks like "Star Wars" to me, and it's not TOO far from the concept art. I'm just not sure what your were expecting.

that being said, I do agree it IS just a model. the key to this area will be how interactive and immersive it will be once you're inside it.

The Falcon ride doesn't sound that appealing to be perfectly honest. I'm not a huge fan of mission space either though.
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I wish they could figure out how to do flying ships overhead. Too bad it'll never happen.

The model looks great though. It seems like a place I can spend all day in, just walking around and taking in the scenery. I trust they will have a decent number of cast members walking around "in character". I'm interested to see how droids are integrated as well. I really like how it takes place during the time of the sequel trilogy. I'm a bit of a canon junkie so I'm also interested in hearing the details of when and how this takes place in the overall universe.
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I forgive you, let's just say I completely disagree with your "generic" Sci Fi comment. Based on that model, it clearly looks like "Star Wars" to me, and it's not TOO far from the concept art. I'm just not sure what your were expecting.

that being said, I do agree it IS just a model. the key to this area will be how interactive and immersive it will be once you're inside it.

The Falcon ride doesn't sound that appealing to be perfectly honest. I'm not a huge fan of mission space either though.

To be completely honest I have been having a look at the more detailed shots of the model and I do agree that on closer look they do look more Star Wars like. My issue with it is that there isn't anything that makes it undeniably star wars in terms of architecture (in the main 'town' section at least), and that it does look like a lot of the same thing which sort of makes me wonder what else could have been, whereas Pandora looked quite striking instantly. That being said, from ground level it may be completely different and be undeniably 'Star Wars' like I am really hoping. In regards to the MF ride I agree again that doesn't appeal to me so much, however the large replica of the ship should look fantastic!
Love the approach Imagineering is going with. However, just like how other people have mentioned, it won't be a jaw-dropping moment coming out of the passage tunnel. People will first glance and say "What is this? Oh ok it's Star Wars, I was confused for a second." Only way to remedy this, which has been back up by the model, is to include a heavy amount of known Star Wars props and vehicles.

In DHS the main entrance form Muppet Courtyard will allow no straight on view as the tunnel will curve and then open up to the Props and Battle: Escape attraction.

TSL should be just a walkway
Thinking about it more, the land; looks awesome. I just wish they didn't space it out like what they have done.

Although, I am keeping in mind that the model being shown off at D23, is more likely a version of the DL SWL. And that, my issue with the space may be solved in person, for better or worse.

I do love it, and I am excited to see, but that will be in the back of my mind as I'd enter the land.
Yup me imagined doing this as kids, I imagined walking into the Cantina hearing that iconic tune playing from the band.....I cant believe Ill be able to really do it!
????, they aren't building "The Cantina" that has been the only location from the films that Star Wars fans have said they would die to visit.

We're getting a new Cantina. We'll have to make our own memories there.:cheers:
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????, they aren't building "The Cantina" that has been the only location from the films that Star Wars fans have said they would die to visit.

We're getting a new Cantina. We'll have to make our own memories there.:cheers:

I'm curious to hear some of the new song's for the land, whether it's written by the Imagineering team, or perhaps as seen from The Force Awakens; having Lin help with the music of the "new" Cantina.