I did both, and liked them quite a bit. Are they up to HHN or KSF standards? No. But are they good for SF? I think so.
I thought Conjuring had a very strong start. It does suffer from a very bare bones ”meh” middle section to be sure, and there’s some blank spots in the end, but just there’s enough there for me to enjoy.
Saw X is the big winner, and largely thanks to the scareactors in the traps who were really selling it like crazy. It’s not super cohesive, but it didn’t need to be. I didn’t mind the brightness, it highlighted the acting more for me. Lack of sound design does hurt it, there’s one long black hallway, and the pigs haven’t really found their groove and just sort of meander… but that’s something that can improve in time. The line for Saw also moved very, very slowly.
Also had a huge improvement for Truth or Dare. Much more cohesive story, and while not perfect, it’s way, way, way better than last years disaster.
Interestingly, all the maze crowds were all Saw and Conjuring… so much so, that nearly all the other mazes hardly had any lines at all.
Oh, and they added a Haunt Emporium by Apocalypse that is pretty well done.