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Lightning McQueen's Racing Academy

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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
It was just announced at the To Infinity and Beyond panel, that a new, Lightning McQueen oriented show, will debut at DHS next year.

The show will star Lightning, Mater, and for the first time since the Meet and Greet, Cruz Ramirez.

Stay tuned to further developments..
Edit: @AlexanderMBush, the Twitter Ninja, strikes again

My guess is that this replaces the Star Wars clip show at the center of the park?

I think that'd be..small.

I will laugh my arse off if it replaces Beauty and The Beast though.


From ThrillGeek

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Could this be inside the Flex Use Building behind RNRC?

Blog Mickey is reporting that the new show will probably go there anyway:

While additional details are still scarce, we’re guessing this “show” could take over the Sunset Showcase at the end of Sunset Blvd. The “flex theater” building has been used by special events for months, but hasn’t seen a guest-facing use for quite some time now.
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This seems like it has a chance to be a really awkward “show”. Especially if they use the Cars that are used for M&Gs.
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DHS needs additional capacity. If it's ultimately located in the Flex Use Building, that will help, especially with GESWL on board in apx. 18 months.
DHS needs additional capacity. If it's ultimately located in the Flex Use Building, that will help, especially with GESWL on board in apx. 18 months.
Oh it will definitely be a help. Maybe it will even be enough extra capacity to allow them to change out shows like BatB and LM next year.
They could've picked a better way to announce this at the presentation. The way they teased Lightning McQueen mad it sound at first like they were about to bring Cars Land over there. Loved how there was no applause as soon as they announced it. lol
Similar to when they announced the original version of New Fantasyland back in 2009 (albeit on a much smaller scale).

Overall this is a plus even if it sounds like another version of Jedi Training. It’s not replacing anything - Can’t really complain about that.
They could've picked a better way to announce this at the presentation. The way they teased Lightning McQueen mad it sound at first like they were about to bring Cars Land over there. Loved how there was no applause as soon as they announced it. lol would much rather have a Cars Land over a show...they should just demo Launch Bay and other things between it and Rock n Roller coaster...and fit a mini Cars Land there...
So early rumor is that this will be similar to Legend of Jack Sparrow.

With the small amount of space they have to work with in the flex theatre and the heavy focus on multimedia that the theater has, the comparison makes sense. would much rather have a Cars Land over a show...they should just demo Launch Bay and other things between it and Rock n Roller coaster...and fit a mini Cars Land there...

Even if they rethemed RnRc to a cars type ride it could work.

They could really solve the entire park with that corner. The parks flow has always been atrocious with lots of crossing back and forth with single entry.

Then- where Little mermaid, launch bay and disney junior are, if they made that a land of some sort; specific IP or otherwise, they could connect it to where RnRC is. All that’s in between them is a random parking lot.

That now connects the entire park without having to backtrack.
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