HHN 19: Best House | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 19: Best House

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HHN 19: Best House

  • Silver Screams

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • The Wolfman

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Saw

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • Chucky: Friends til the End

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • Frankenstein: Creation of the Damned

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Dracula: Legacy in Blood

    Votes: 15 26.3%
  • The Spawning

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • Leave it to Cleaver

    Votes: 9 15.8%

  • Total voters

Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Now that the event is over, which house do you think was best. "The Wolfman" was the most anticipated. Did it deliver?
I voted what I thought would be my least favorite house of the year, Dracula. When I heard Dracula was coming I was disappointed because I am not a fan of vampires nor do I find them scary. Dracula was the scariest house of the year IMO, it had great sets and the casts were amazing.
Dracula was the scariest house of the night. But the best themed and executed was Silver Screams. You get to dance in one scene to Don't Stop Me Now by Queen, how could anything beat that?? Silver Screams wins. :happy:
Dracula for me was a let down. My favorite house for me hurdled over the hype, and you guessed it. It was Silver Screams/The Wolfman. Both had amazing scenes and finales.
Dracula had the best scares. Silver Screams was closest to my heart, and would have taken the vote with better source material for the movie scenes.

But ultimately I went with Wolfman. I just love the "movie set" feel that they nailed on this one, and it has me so stoked to see the upcoming film.
I thought Dracula was one of the best houses in the history of HHN. At the start of the event, Frank was at the tops of the best house however Dracula constantly delivered each time I went through whereas Frank had "hit & miss" days.
I liked Dracula but I felt like they didn't have to work near as hard as we did. They had the most elaborate set and one of the best built sets to work with. Cleaver, and Saw especially had to work so much harder for our scares and in such revolutionary and groundbreaking houses. Oh, and Saw nor Cleaver had AC, and I can only think of 3 nights the whole year were our house was comfortable, I'm sure Cleaver was quite similar.

I just wish this would have been taken into consideration more when people would vote and when House of the Year and Week were taken into consideration. I definitely think Cleaver deserved HOTW over a certain house in a Sprung Tent and I'm still baffled as to how we were such a crowd favorite yet the fans seem to hate the both of us. My assumption is that everyone hates our location and there for goes into our houses negatively.
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I disliked Saw because of how Universal sends you through the house. I literally walked into almost every room as the traps were turning off. The only things I saw go off were the dude in the barbed-wire, the finale and maybe one or two more. I didn't even see Billy. It may have been because I stood 20 minutes in the pouring rain for Cleaver but I found it dull. It was probably because I expected the wrong thing. I went in expecting Doomsday where there were chainsaws right from the start and maniac butchers chasing you around. I was ready to be terrified and was let down extremely when I found it was supposed to be funny.
I liked Dracula but I felt like they didn't have to work near as hard as we did. They had the most elaborate set and one of the best built sets to work with. Cleaver, and Saw especially had to work so much harder for our scares and in such revolutionary and groundbreaking houses. Oh, and Saw nor Cleaver had AC, and I can only think of 3 nights the whole year were our house was comfortable, I'm sure Cleaver was quite similar.

I just wish this would have been taken into consideration more when people would vote and when House of the Year and Week were taken into consideration. I definitely think Cleaver deserved HOTW over a certain house in a Sprung Tent and I'm still baffled as to how we were such a crowd favorite yet the fans seem to hate the both of us. My assumption is that everyone hates our location and there for goes into our houses negatively.

I can appreciate an actor's hard work in any of those 2 houses, but unfortunately the 2 suffered due to some big negatives.

Compared to houses in the past, I actually thought Saw was fine in it's location. The problem was that you had to go at the right time for the house's effect to really work. If you got to experience it with everything going off, it was an A+ house. If you didn't, it was around a C. When I went thru the first time, every trap was set off, we saw a "crowd plant" get yanked away by a pig, and everyone was in your face. The last few times, some of the actors were still going 100%, but the traps were either not going off or I just missed it, essentially becoming a trap scene with a pig in every room.

With Cleaver, a lot were going to love it or hate it because of it's satirical attempt instead of crazed cannibalistic maniac scares. Nothing against the actors, but if the average joes wants to be scared and instead finds a tongue in cheek house, they aren't going to be satisfied. I did appreciate the house's take on "horror" but still found it to be around a B-. Mmmmm, Sausages!

Chucky was another "hit or miss". Personally, it sorta went down my list. The novelty of a "demented funhouse" got old for me. Also, the scares got redundant. I can't really fault the actors on that one as they had to go with the recordings of "Charles Lee Ray" but I know I was going to hear "You are dead!" at least 4 times in that house each time I went thru. On a side note (and totally unrelated to the review), I thought it was really freakin pathetic how the guests literally disrespected the house and would just steal/rip off crap off the walls. The "Inflatable Clown Hall" wasn't as effective as the first night because most of them had been beaten up by drunkards (safe assumption). Even a few of the clowns had taped since their noses were ripped off. Anywho, C is for Chucky.

Believe it or not, The Spawning grew on me. It's still low on my list, but it's around a C- now. The last time I went thru, the actors gave it thier all (Espicially the one by the eggs who went all SpiderMan on the chainlink fence. A+ for you, bro). The house did have potential, but I think it fell more flat then U.C. anticipated. I honestly was expecting some mangled body parts and the "Skulders" to be feasting on a few deceased corpses.

This slowly turned into a final review so this is part 1. Ill finish the 2nd half tomorrow of my Top 4 houses.
I went with The Wolfman. I really loved the amount of detail they put into the house to pump everyone up for the film as well as the amount of scares I received in the house. Some of it I didn't deserve due to people singling me out *cough*BRIMAN*cough* :lol:.
I liked Saw alot, Jake. The second I walked out I thought it was easily the best house I had ever been in at that location. The place looked great, it didn't feel like the Jaws queue.. at all. It felt like a soundstage. I didn't see all the traps but I saw a nice chunk. The Billy on the bike and airblast was hysterical, it actually got me. The house was low on scares for me but it was alot of fun. I compare it to Interstellar Terror of 18.
After the first night I said Dracula was my favorite and that hasn't changed. They delivered on the scares every single time I went through...I was never disappointed. Plus I loved the set.
I really liked Saw a lot also, more so than I expected to frankly. Although I'm not a huge fan of the series (first 2 are pretty good), I think they did an awesome job creating an atmosphere that felt like you were in the films. I love the narration of the Jigsaw guy as you are walking through the scenes, which matches the films perfectly. And the actors in the house easily had the most extreme jobs cut out for them. The only reason I did this house less than the others was simply the wait times.
I really liked Saw a lot also, more so than I expected to frankly. Although I'm not a huge fan of the series (first 2 are pretty good), I think they did an awesome job creating an atmosphere that felt like you were in the films. I love the narration of the Jigsaw guy as you are walking through the scenes, which matches the films perfectly. And the actors in the house easily had the most extreme jobs cut out for them. The only reason I did this house less than the others was simply the wait times.

Agreed 100%. It was a great house in a year full of excellent ones. I have it at #4 for me, but that's not a knock at all. I loved all 8.
Well, I voted for Silver Screams, because I loved the theme, got great scares every time, and thought the scenes were amazing. That being said, I also loved SAW. Like others have said though, your experience really depended on your timing. I had a similar experience to Brian, first time through saw everything go off and a plant get abducted-A++ amazing! The second time through though our timing was bad and overall the house was pretty boring-except for Jake jumping out and yelling at me, lol.