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HBO's Game of Thrones

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Sep 22, 2009
Leesberg, FL
I find it hard to believe that a thread dedicated to this amazing television series hasn't been created yet.

I had heard a lot of chatter about Game of Thrones for a while, and so decided to take a risk and buy the Season 1 DVD. It's definitely one of the best purchases I have made in a while.

For those uninitiated, Game of Thrones takes place in the fictional fantasy land of Westeros (or, as I like to call it Westeroos tee-hee) where "summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime." The show follows seven kingdoms as they battle for the Iron Throne and control of all the land.

After two episodes I was hooked. The show is like Narnia for adults, except it's completely different from Narnia. There's backstabbing, attempted murder, political intrigue, nudity/sex, and more.

Personally I ADORE the show, it's got real balls and isn't afraid to allow you to fall in love with characters only to kill them off or severely injure them ( no one is safe in the show, that includes main characters) and it also doesn't shy away from violence as much as it could. Every character is well portrayed and completely 3 dimensional (even the ones you hate are given a reason for acting the way they do), and the numerous plot lines are all completely interesting and easily engulf the viewer. It;s one of the few shows that isn't afraid to take risks, and I love that about it.

So, that's my opinion about the show....what's yours?? Who are your favorite characters??? Will you be watching Season 2??? Discuss, and remember: Winter Is Coming.
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I freaking love the show and have read up to the fourth book (a few chapters in). Agree with everything you've said. Tyrion is the obvious choice for favorite character with Arya Stark coming in at a close second. The Dink was totally deserving of his emmy win and I cannot wait till he can slap the bejeezus out of Joffrey a few more times, although with Joff being King, Tyrion may just have to resign himself to just subtly threatening him in the most badass way possible. So excited, less than a half hour to go!
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I haven't read the books, or seen the show yet. I heard great buzz about the show, so I actually recorded the whole first season on my DVR when they had a marathon a while back. And Season 2 is about to start in under 15 minutes, and that's set to record aw sell. I might start watching it soon. I just haven't had a lot of time lately...
I have yet to read the books (they are on my long list), but I loved Season 1. Had myself a marathon of GoT Season 1 yesterday as I prepared for tonight's Season 2 premiere. I think Season 2 is going to be better than Season 1. Looks like more blood, guts, and loads of war this 10 week run. Then, on to True Blood.
I'm two hundred pages into "A Storm of Swords" (book 3) and, so far, this series is made of 100% pure win. The series is remarkable as well. I'm about to torrent tonight's episode.
I'm two hundred pages into "A Storm of Swords" (book 3) and, so far, this series is made of 100% pure win. The series is remarkable as well. I'm about to torrent tonight's episode.

I think that's the best book so far. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but crazy stuff really crazy. I like Clash of Kings as well. The Battle of the Blackwater should be epic!
Crap, that's the next book on the list. Is it terrible??

So far it's kinda slow. I don't mind that, because it also is supposed to flesh out some ancillary characters. Only a few chapters in but so far nothing has really happened. Not everything can be that one fight near the end of Storm of Swords. I won't spoil it, you'll know when you get to it because your heart will pound so hard it will nearly burst...or at least that's what happened to me.:lol:
So far it's kinda slow. I don't mind that, because it also is supposed to flesh out some ancillary characters. Only a few chapters in but so far nothing has really happened. Not everything can be that one fight near the end of Storm of Swords. I won't spoil it, you'll know when you get to it because your heart will pound so hard it will nearly burst...or at least that's what happened to me.:lol:

I hear Storm hits a very rapid domino effect that makes it near impossible to put down. I also hear Asha reappears in Feast, which got me really excited. She and Arya were my favorites from Clash of Kings.
Crap, that's the next book on the list. Is it terrible??

Well written. But as interesting as watching paint dry.

So far it's kinda slow. I don't mind that, because it also is supposed to flesh out some ancillary characters. Only a few chapters in but so far nothing has really happened. Not everything can be that one fight near the end of Storm of Swords. I won't spoil it, you'll know when you get to it because your heart will pound so hard it will nearly burst...or at least that's what happened to me.:lol:

Basically nothing happens the entire book.There are a few nice character motivation changes and somethings are set up for the future. But overall it takes way too long to get there. The book just has so very little payoff.

I hear Storm hits a very rapid domino effect that makes it near impossible to put down. I also hear Asha reappears in Feast, which got me really excited. She and Arya were my favorites from Clash of Kings.

I don't mind Asha, but the Iron Islands storyline of Feast is just dull.
Well written. But as interesting as watching paint dry.

Basically nothing happens the entire book.There are a few nice character motivation changes and somethings are set up for the future. But overall it takes way too long to get there. The book just has so very little payoff.

I don't mind Asha, but the Iron Islands storyline of Feast is just dull.

Man. I feel like the wind just left my sails... At least Arya, Asha, and Jamie are in it. Is Asha ever a POV character? I loooove Jaime and Arya's POV. I know Dany and Snow arn't in it but their POV was always boring to me. I found that Dany and Snow's stories and settings are outstanding but their personality is just kind of bland compared to people like Arya and Tyrion.
Man. I feel like the wind just left my sails... At least Arya, Asha, and Jamie are in it. Is Asha ever a POV character? I loooove Jaime and Arya's POV. I know Dany and Snow arn't in it but their POV was always boring to me. I found that Dany and Snow's stories and settings are outstanding but their personality is just kind of bland compared to people like Arya and Tyrion.

Dany and Jon are my favorites, so I disagree there. And yea, Asha is a POV character, but the story just isn't all that interesting regarding her.

But seriously, power through it and get to Dance with Dragons. I struggled to get through Feast, but Dance was awesome.
Dany and Jon are my favorites, so I disagree there. And yea, Asha is a POV character, but the story just isn't all that interesting regarding her.

But seriously, power through it and get to Dance with Dragons. I struggled to get through Feast, but Dance was awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jon and Dany. I just feel that being in their heads an hearing their thoughts is a colortone down from the more witty characters I tend to gravitate towards. Knowing that I'll get better glimpses of Ghost and the dragons make me want to read their chapters more than anything. I'll power through Feast, as you've advised. It's one of the shorter books, yes? Shorter than Clash and Storm, anyhow?