Halloween Horror Nights 2023 (USH) - Reviews, Photos and Video | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 2023 (USH) - Reviews, Photos and Video

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Michael S

Jun 29, 2020
With opening night in a few hours, let’s get this thread up and running!

This thread is for reviews, photos, and videos of HHN 2023 at Universal Studios Hollywood

Please limit all discussion to media and/or reviews of the event. General event discussions and planning should be posted in the News & Info or Tips & Tricks threads.


Night 1 is in the books, only house I missed was holidayz and I didn’t see either show. Here’s my rankings so far

1. Monstruos
2. Exorcist
3. Last of Us
4. Unmasked
5. Chucky
6. Evil Dead Rise
7. Stranger Things

Stranger Things is kinda the only dud but I think it’ll get better with a better run through. Tram also is probably my favorite tram in all my year of attending. Event pretty strong this year.
Just got home. Right now I'm slowly winding down from the caffeine rush from all of the coffee I drank this evening from the VIP lounge, but I'm going to write as much as I can before the melatonin I just took kicks in. I will most likely review my RIP experience tips and tricks thread to help those of you out who are doing RIP this year. But right now, I'm just gonna review the houses and shows I've done in order of experience and give my thoughts on them. I managed to get two runthoughs of all of the houses except for Monsters and Chucky. I will likely major avoid spoilers as much as I can, but there will likely be some mild spoilers that I don't think giveaway anything that would be really surprising. So if you want to go in completely blind not knowing anything, then you probably won't want to read this. Without further ado, here we go!

Stranger Things 4: This was my most-anticipated house since I loved season 4 of ST. Now before you throw your torches and pitchforks at me, Monstrous was a very close second on anticipation. But I'm pleased to see that there is finally a proper facade for SS 29. I was very pleased with the scope of the sets. Something that I've been wanting HHN Hollywood to do for the longest time was have at least one house that delivered the kind of grand-scale scenic that Orlando offers and it gave a sense of that. I actually got some decent scares in here. Was kinda surprised how few Vecna scares were there though. This house was at least really cool visually, offered some good scares, and some grand, very visually appealing scenic. I think this is the best of the three Stranger Things houses and you could tell they put some money into this one. Glad I got a second runthrough because there were some missing spots the first runthrough.

Overall: B

Holidayz In Hell: Normally I really don't like repeats, but this might be my favorite repeat they've ever done. I didn't think it's possible, but I actually enjoyed it more than the first time! Although essentially the same house as 2019 but with a tweaked layout to fit the tent, scares felt improved. The cast was into it. Really enjoyed it. This is still the weakest house to me by default simply because it's a repeat, but because the talent carried it. You know you're in for a good year when even the repeat delivers!

Overall: B-

The Exorcist: Believer: A second sound stage house let's gooooo! First time in the event's post-hiatus run! Although I didn't get a great runthrough the first time, but got a great second runthrough. I really liked the "facade" which felt reminiscent of Chupacabra's facade in Orlando but on a much smaller scale. Also, kudos for making "red wallz" instead of "black wallz". Not perfect, but still a good effort to not make it feel barren so I'll take it. Shockingly good scenic in here. Glad they went for this and not Insidious. Solid house. Very intense.

Overall: B+

The Last of Us: I have a sad confession to make: I never played the games. I will play some video games here or there but I just don't have the time to sit down to a game like TLOU over a long period of time. So keep that in mind. While I haven't played the games, I have a bare-bones grip on what it's about. That being said HOLY CRAP ON A STICK THE SCENIC IS GORGEOUS IN THIS HOUSE. Again, much improved second runthrough but I felt like it wasn't as intense as it could be. But still the scenic was top-notch good. It felt like a true Orlando house but in a tighter space. Heck it felt like a soundstage house as it didn't feel like a Mummy venue house. I'm sure if you played the games you probably would be in love with it. While not the scariest house HHN has ever done, I think this might be the best house the Mummy venue has had. Beautifully done.

Overall: A

Terror Tram: The Exterminatorz: Terror Tram is Terror Tram, but you know what, this might be the most fun I've had on the tram. It was cheesy, goofy dark humor, and it might have my favorite Terror Tram video. They didn't shy away from the comedy aspect in places and I'm glad they embraced it. Doesn't take itself too seriously and I love that. Oh, and the secret maze was pretty fun! Nothing amazing and somewhat minimalistic, but I guess it offered a sneak peek as to what an Exterminatorz house would offer. It was a cool perk! Solid tram.

Overall: B-

Chucky: Ultimate Kill Count: While probably the least-scariest for me, (Except the end though! That was great!), the technicality made up for it tenfold. There were not just puppets involved of Chucky but literal animatronics! You can tell some money went into this house. The AAs and puppets of Chucky were very impressive. I did get stuck for a good five minutes in the hospital scene because the conga was sooooo bad. But great house! Probably the most technically impressive house they've done since AVP! Also, I appreciated that they mostly isolated the more comedic aspects to the transitions (Which were fairly smooth!). This is how you do a dark comedy house.

Overall: A-

Universal Monsters: Unmasked: Welp, this is the "black wallz" house, and you know what? The scenes that actually had effort put into them were actually so beautiful, so cool, that the black hallways didn't actually bother me that much. It would've been nice to have something there don't get me wrong, but when there were some really cool scenes inn there, it's hard to split hairs. It was probably one of the more intense houses for me so that also made up for black walls. Overall pretty good! With the intensity it deserves an A-, but I'm bringing it down to a B+ because of black wallz.

Overall: B+

Evil Dead Rise: While it still felt the same as Horror Hotel, and you could tell where everything was, I enjoyed it more than I thought. I had fun with it. Was impressed how much they've changed up. Got an okay runthrough both times. That's about it. I liked it.

Overall: B-

Monstrous: The Monsters of Latin America: Hooooo WOW. Was not ready for this. Just like the folks in Orlando praised Wicked Growth for how intense and beautiful it was....well, I would say this is our Wicked Growth. The scenic in here was absolutely INCREDIBLE. It certainly has the best layout treatment in Parisian courtyard by a mile. I say that because it didn't feel like you were in Parisian and the layout very natural and not forced into a Parisian layout if that makes sense. This has to be one of the most detailed houses I've ever seen HHN Hollywood do, if not the most. Also, cast was top-notch! Got an excellent runthrough both times. Step aside La Llorona....a new king has arrived! Absolutely outstanding job as one of the best houses HHNH has ever done. That being said, let's give the Hispanic urban legends a chance and give Asiain lore a chance, shall we?

Overall: A++ *Chef's kiss*

Okay, now it's showtime!

Blumhouse: Behind the Screams: Cool preshow lobby. Unless the line is shorter than ten minutes, don't bother. I'll save you the trouble of watching it so I'll just tell you what happens Spoiler territory here but I wanna save you time: it's half a clip show and half M3gan dancing. That's it. It's a glorified version of the M3gan horde from Orlando but they pad it into a show. Definitely a one-and-done show for, but I won't complain because it sucks up people. So as mid as it was, I appreciate it. Again, I urge you to only do this if the line is really short, which I doubt it ever will be.

Overall: D

The Purge: Bloody Waters: I expected Water World but Purge, and that's basically what it is. Follows a very similar structure to Water World but with a HHN spin on it. I enjoyed it. Nothing mind-blowing, but it was good brainless action. I'm really glad to see a proper show back at HHN again.

Overall: B-
Mods, I'm gonna have to ask for your forgiveness here on the double-post, but I've exceeded the character limit. Have to split it up. Now I want to give my overall thoughts while I'm still in a "get all my thoughts out on the forums" mode before I fall asleep. The melatonin is kicking in so I'm going to wrap up as this is getting long anyway. Overall, what an outstanding year. HHN is back in full force! At the very least, in terms of scenic, in terms of well-roundedness/event offerings, this is the best year by a mile on those fronts. There's more than one live show, the quality for the houses didn't suffer (At least for the most part *Looks at Monsters*) to bring about the added offerings, houses were intense....you know, what the heck....I'll just come out and say it. I think this surpasses 2016 greatness. Yeah, I said. FIGHT ME. I can't think of anything genuinely bad about this year...well, for the content. Crowd management was a whole other issue which I'll touch on soon. But content-wise, phenomenal year. Again, I can't think of any bad house this year as even the repeat was good! Now for bad...which I have almost nothing bad to say about the creative aspect this year....basically all the bad comes from......

So crowd management....well, I can't fault them a lot considering 1) It's opening night. The droves have arrived. 2) There's only so much you can do. I get it. But the one thing that I think would have significantly helped was staying open for one more hour. Like...dude, you can't stay open until 2 on opening night??? I paid for RIP and early access on top of that and even then, I still had to dock out of my tour group early to have a fighting chance at seeing both shows and getting through the rest of the houses, period. Thankfully, I just barely (And I mean just BARELY at the skin 'o my teeth) got to pull off seeing both shows and I had to hold in my pee and run to get both shows in and one final run on ED and Monstrous. Again, I understand things happen, you can only do so much on a crowded night, but even after paying the highest possible ticket AND early access, I still had to make a choice of what I had to miss. No fault whatsoever on the creative team whatsoever as they knocked outta the park this year, but when I pay the highest possible price on top of having to pay for early entry and I still can't comfortably do everything....which is why I paid for the privilege, that left me feeling a little irked. Literally had to duck out of my tour group so I could actually do second runthroughs and see the shows. Ugh.

Finally one last thing: missing cast spots during early access were fairly prevalent. Again, I understand....opening night, cast issues, etc...but when I gotta pay for it now? C'mon, not a good look. What a pathetic money-grab it is. At the very least let passholders have free game to early access. That's essentially what they do for Orlando. I especially shouldn't have to pay for it if I'm with RIP. Like, lemme get my money's worth. Just include it.

Well, bad crowd management aside, I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed this year. I even got to talk to Murdy and tell him how much I loved this year at the end of the night! He gave me some cool tid-bits about how everything was designed. More on that in their respective threads. For now, I gotta sleep! I'll hopefully post more tomorrow on RIP and what Murdy told me! But for now, y'all are in for a great year! Enjoy it!
Finally one last thing: missing cast spots during early access were fairly prevalent. Again, I understand....opening night, cast issues, etc...but when I gotta pay for it now? C'mon, not a good look. What a pathetic money-grab it is. At the very least let passholders have free game to early access. That's essentially what they do for Orlando. I especially shouldn't have to pay for it if I'm with RIP. Like, lemme get my money's worth. Just include it.
Early Entry is going to be painful. I lined up for Last of us but they said it wouldn't open till 6. So I went to Holidayz and then did Stranger things but it was already 90 min at open (I had Express). Did the Exorcist which wasn't that bad about 6 and went to the last of us which still was not open at 6:30. If you are paying for EE all the lower lot should be open by 5:30 to spread out the crowd. If you don't have EE expect ST and last of us to have a min 90 min wait. Also like freak said. Lots of missing spots. At this point I don't care if it is day 1. They have been doing this a long time. there is no reason the ops should be terrible on opening night.

Now for my 2 cents:

I decided to upgrade to Unlimited Express the day of because I really wanted to try everything. I do have FFP but thought it would be worth it just so I won't have to deal with the aforementioned Operational issues. I did everything twice or 3 times except for the Blumhouse thing. Overall I think the Mazes and terror tram are really good this year.

Holidayz - My favorite of previous years it has seemed to get better. There were a few blank spots but overall I really like this one and worth it to go to the Lower lot even if ST and LOU are crazy busy.

Stranger Things 4 - The sets were good but I think personally I am just ST out. Probably should of had it last year but it is a crowd sucker.

The Exorcist - Not very interesting. lots of missing scares both times I went on Early entry. Probably try it again later in the season but at the bottom of my list.

The Last of Us - Very good. follows the game and felt the scares were solid. The only gripe is that it opened an hour late. Not a good look and the line was rediculout because of it.

Chucky - So so good. Great use of Animatronics it would make Disney fan boys pine for a ticket to HHN. One of my favorite mazes. Did it 3 times and wanted to do it more. Worth the long walk from Potterville.

Monsters Unmasked - Murdy really knows how to do Monsters. Probably one of the best Monster mazes to date. Love the Paris setting. Again worth the trek to Curious George. It is nice to have 2 solid mazes in this spot. But it will get very busy here if you are not early.

Monstruos - I probably misspelled this house a dozen times on twitter. Another hit from the team. Really love the sets and scares. Only issue is my first run was right after some media and they held the line for awhile. But when we go there half the maze was missing cast. I really thought it was a dud but my second run was great.

Evil Dead - Here is where the budget died. I swear they change a few actor costumes and it was basically Horror Hotel from last year. I get they have only so much to work with in that space, but a real lackluster effort.

The Purge Show - Not very good. Just a bad story using the same stunts as Water world. a bad proxy at that. it is a people eater but I think showtimes do not start until 10 PM.

Terror Tram - Always a solid effort but the bugs thing didn't hit for me. Good costumes and sets and the story was ok. The Nope set is the same and good. A great addition to the event that you can not find anywhere else. Suck it Orlando.

Ops and overall event stuff - As mentioned Early Entry sucked. with 2 popular properties for EE, people are going to feel ripped off. Also the Fact the RIP has to buy it is dumb. Since I was in Express I didn't see how bad the Stand by situation was but I assume it sucks. Also there are a lot of conga lines. not good. Also they should have media day at Team previous and not opening night. They give those "Creator Badges" to anyone these days.

I will be back to evaluate as the season goes on but overall a great event with some really solid mazes and a few duds.
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Now for my 2 cents:

I decided to upgrade to Unlimited Express the day of because I really wanted to try everything. I do have FFP but thought it would be worth it just so I won't have to deal with the aforementioned Operational issues. I did everything twice or 3 times except for the Blumhouse thing. Overall I think the Mazes and terror tram are really good this year.
The Express passes were sold out I thought, so did you upgrade the pass in the event or before the event? Asking because I'd want to upgrade day of as well and want to know where I should go.
The Express passes were sold out I thought, so did you upgrade the pass in the event or before the event? Asking because I'd want to upgrade day of as well and want to know where I should go.
The dirty little secret Universal does not tell you. Sold out on the web site but they oversell in the park. I was happy it was available but I am part of the problem. Once you enter the park they have a kiosk to upgrade to express. There are probably a few in the park.
My personal ranking of all the houses + Terror Tram:
1. The Last of Us (10/10)
2. Chucky (10/10)
3. Monstruos (9/10)
Terror Tram: Exterminatorz (8/10)
4. Stranger Things 4 (8/10)
5. Monsters: Unmasked (7.5/10)
6. The Exorcist: Believer (7/10)
7. Holidayz in Hell (6.5/10)
8. Evil Dead: Rise (6/10)

Purge: Dangerous Waters (8/10)
Blumhouse: Behind the Scares (haven't done yet, will update with my rating tonight after I experience it)

What a great year this year for Hollywood. They went all in on most the houses this year and it certainly paid off. Even houses that didn't have the greatest sets/a lot of empty spaces (Monsters: Unmasked, Exorcist Believer to an extent) were pretty awesome. Got some of my best scares in Unmasked. I even really loved the Purge show which I wasn't expecting, ALMOST better than Waterworld. But no water-plane so... yeah lol. I have a FFP so I'll be able to experience the houses more hopefully EDR gets better. The only I was honestly disappointed in. Can't wait to come back tonight!
Incredible time last night. Sounds like I'll be going back at least twice so I'm not gonna fully rank houses or anything until then, but every house is legitimately good to great to extremely great.

Holidayz was my least favorite but that had more to do with familiarity than anything else; Chucky is out in front as my top pick -- and not just this year, but maybe ever? It's that good. I was cackling one moment, jumping out of my skin the next. Only thing I worry about is upkeep -- given all the (literal) mechanics, I hope that things can fire consistently all season, but we'll see. If future runs aren't quite as good, at least I'll have the memory of the first one.

Operations were awful. Really disappointing. As we were kinda talking about, opening night used to be reliably slow, even as recently as last year. But I knew we were in for a rough one when we were going down the StarWay and I overheard a TM say "It's going to be a nightmare down there." We upgraded to express at 11pm because we got stuck in the lower lot for so long.

I don't regret it because we hit everything except the Blumhouse show, which apparently broke down at some point -- I think we got in line right when it re-opened but it still wasn't moving and we opted instead for second runs of EDR and Monstruos and another trip down the lower lot. But didn't mind missing it based on what I've heard. Save it for next time.

All in all, another home run for Murdy and the team. It's a great event. Really wish park operations wouldn't make us fight tooth and nail just to enjoy it.
I didn't have the energy to post a review last night, so here we are!

I have been going to this event for about 13 years, and have never missed getting an Express ticket. This year it happened, so I made sure to grab our early entry tickets and tried to plan the best I could. There were years in the past where I do think you could navigate the event with a regular GA ticket and still make it work. Personally, I don't see that being the case this year. This isn't some new opinion, but if you're going to the event this year and have GA/early entry I would upgrade to the Express ticket.

When we got to the park yesterday around noon (we went to get some lunch and walk around the park during the day before Horror Nights) we went to the box office at CItyWalk and were able to upgrade our tickets to Express, even though they were "sold out" on the website. They also had the after 11 PM Express available. In fact, it seemed like there were several spots in the park where you could upgrade. In the past I would always suggest Express to help make your night less stressful but this year I would say to get it just to make sure you see all the houses. Speaking of...

The Last of Us: Amazing. Not one section of this house is wasted and it's totally intense. You are essentially Joel going through these scenes and I thought how the clickers reacted to you was really, really cool. There are a few really great effects in this one that I was not expecting. You 100% forget you are in a tent. Definitely top tier.

Stranger Things: We did this one during early entry and had a pretty terrible walkthrough. Thankfully, our second time through was much better. I will say that is indeed a more enjoyable Stranger Things maze than the last few iterations we have had, but it is missing some seriously key scenes and the choices of scenes they did choose to do was a little baffling to me.

The Exorcist: Believer: The original 1973 Exorcist film is one of the scariest of all time for me. When they did a house based on that one back in 2016 I almost had a panic attack by the end. Can confirm this version is mega intense and it felt like hit after hit. Packed to the gills with scares. I appreciated the red walls with the flashing faces like they did in the 2016 house.

Holidayz in Hell: Not too much to say here either way. As far as repeats go, I did enjoy this one. They mixed some stuff up a bit.

Monstrous: Another top tier level house. I cannot believe the amount of scenic design in every room. Much like the The Last of Us, it felt like no section was wasted. I think I like the previous La Llorona house a little bit more, but man this theme and location just have not disappointed.

Evil Dead Rise: Unfortunately we missed a lot of the scares in this one. I agree with some other commenters how have said that it still felt like last year's house. I don't blame them for that, but I almost liked last year's version a little better. I don't know how to explain it but every room felt really big and there were a lot of hallways where nothing was happening. It wasn't terrible by any means, but

Universal Monsters: Unmasked: This was one of my most anticipated as I love all of the classic monsters. I was thrilled when they announced this would be based around the Phantom, Hunchback, Jekyll and the Invisible Man. The scenes with the monsters looked good and some were more elaborate than others. I particularly loved the organ scene with the Phantom. As most people probably have seen now, this one suffers from a lot of the dreaded black walls.

Chucky: Kill Count: I must confess, outside of the original Child's Play film I just don't care for Chucky. Clearly, I am in the minority here because there were more people than I could count wearing merch or just straight up dressed like Chucky last night. As far as the house goes, I appreciated the use of puppets and the meta storyline. This one falls somewhere in the middle for me.

Terror Tram: We had some really good interactions with the cast in this one and I thought the theme was fun. Overall, I wouldn't be sad to see the tram take a break so they could maybe figure out some way to re-tool it or make it a little different.

I have two issues with the event this year that I haven't really seen anyone comment on. First, are at least 3 houses this year that have water effects. I really don't want to get wet when I'm walking through a house, so having it happen 3 times was a little frustrating. It feels like some old gag from the mid 00's that I wouldn't mind seeing go away.

The second issue I had this year was the overuse of the vinyl and fabric dividers between scenes. This was especially apparent in Monstrous, where they had those rubber hanging intestines in front of the fabric dividers. It was to the point where between getting hit with them from the person in front of you and trying to make your way through 2 sets of them that you missed the scene in front of you. I don't mind a few, but there was an excessive amount in all of the houses this year.

There is a ton to do, but that also means that crowd control is rough. That lower lot area was a nightmare for early entry and the beginning hours of the event. I can only imagine it will get worse, but hopefully the staff will figure out some ways to deal with it. Overall this is a jam packed year and I am excited to see everyone else's reactions to things as the season goes on.
It has been a while since I went to HHN on opening night, and I gotta say this easily overthrows 2022, so it's making me reevaluate my years rankin' lol. And to add to it, this has easily got to be one of the best nights of Halloween Horror Nights I have ever had, the whole night went smoothly and there were some good surprises along the way.
Houses & Terror Tram this year were all SOLID, I can't say any of them were duds but some had problems while others didn't, in order I did them:

Stranger Things 4:
This is probably the house that rivals Orlando in grand-esque sets, that said, the scenes they chose felt random, Out of the ones they chose, only the beginning in Eddie's Trailer, Eleven vs. One, and Vecna's Realm were the major scene from the series, everything else just... there, grand there, but there, unironically my favorite set piece was the Creel Houses (yes the flat facade) with how much was in front of it and another lesson in how lighting makes all the difference. It's also kinda short, probably because of all the big sets, but that's something you'll notice

The Exorcist Believer:
The new thing for this house was themed black walls!! Like you can't tell me these aren't just black walls with tons of slashes of red paint XD. That said, this was pretty solid. It wasn't just repeating the same sets like the OG Exorcist was, and had the connection not been there you could convince me it was a solid original about demonic possession, the look of the demon is also really cool, Like Freak said, the facade inside reminded me of Chupacadra I kid you not and... I am not sure if it was the house itself or that the queue line was right above a sewage system, but this house STANK :skull:, probably the most of the houses. Also, I like how this house throws you right into Holidayz

Holidayz in Hell:
The first run it was on par with 2019's but after a 2nd run it's easily better than 2019's!! This is more like Halloween than Killer Klowns (last year's repeats) where there were improvements to the house rather than downgrades, the house was also darker thanks to the tent and a lot more foggy near the back half lol. All the actors were having fun with this goofy premise and I know a lot of you here don't like dubstep but that is easily the highlight of the house for me, especially the Halloween section with "Halloween Night" playing, overall a fun houses that improves upon it's previous iteration deserving the repeat role this year

Chucky: Ultimate Kill Count
Far from being the scariest, this is the Funnest, Funniest, MOST Impressive fun house I have ever seen. The Chucky animatronics alone carry this house but even the set pieces they are in help play up their antics. Nice to see inclusions like Glen/Glennda/GG in there and the screens actually worked helping the Meta aspect of the house work. And as we know Chucky's little potty mouth is in full effect here, at the front of the facade and all through the house, after years of asking for a proper Chucky house, they HARD delivered with this one!

Universal Monsters: Unmasked
After what everyone said saying it's the black wall house this year (which it sadly is) I was still surprised because the scene they did were still super good! Some of them were just really impressive, mainly the hunchback's scenes as well as the piano-playing Phantom, the easy highlights. However after that strong first half, it kinda falls off, the black walls section is dedicated to Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde who looks like Fluffy from The Crate in Creepshow, and Invisible Man shouldn't have even been promoted when the Red Death (that one really caught me off guard, love that he was in here) has 2 sections with him Strong first half then kinda falls flat near the end but a fun finale

Terror Tram: The Exterminatorz
Bugzzzz, Larry Larva is a great new Terror Tram host, he has such a fun sense of humor, and like Hollywood Harry was everywhere on the tram, My favorite part is always the beginning with the Chainsaws, and after that, it is all the same just with bugzz and a lot of comedic moments, I like the demented rendition of Isty Bisty Spider playing all through-out and the mini maze, in the end, was just ok, probably the best one they've done but ok. The NOPE part like last year, was amazing again.

Monstrous: The Monsters of Latin America
I probably need a better run but for what we saw it was great. One thing I will note is that Tlahuelpuchi and Lechuza's Sections feel short while El Silbon has the rest of the house to play with, was kind of disappointing to see that but their sections were the scarier parts since they had all the scares, El Silbon was missing a few so like I said, hope to get a better run when I go back. Like Scarecrow last year, it's the best facade this year with the amount of detail on this facade and throughout the whole house!! La Muerte is similar to the Abuela from last year's La Llorona, narrating all throughout the house, and that is great to hear. Love the house just need to get a better run so it's not as amazing as I think it could be.

Evil Dead Rise
I thought it wouldn't be a problem but it is hard not to see what was Horror Hotel with many of the sets feeling similar, that said, This house feels darker, grimmer, and scarier than Horror Hotel and I think that is what will carry it for most, especially if you didn't do Horror Hotel last year

The Last of Us
WOW is this house stellar! it felt like a grim adventure. Every time a Clicker had a scare they would pop up but then a gunshot would be heard and they went back into their hide hole, that was such a clever way of resetting a scare! The sets would either be grand or tight and a few of them you can't believe fit in the Mummy Venue which now just adds to that venue's history. The scenes with Joel and Ellie were all great and the preshow on the facade just adds to it, it's also bigger in person! Definitely worth the 140 mins that was actually 30 mins, which speaking of operations:

Ok so, tbh, I don't know if it's just this forum's pessimism or what but the amount of Fear Mongering for operations on Opening Night was insane, This will probably be the most chill night for the event but everyone saying the operations were horrible I just don't understand. Had Frequent Fear so didn't necessarily have to do everything that night but was able to do all the houses by 10pm with General Stand-by and still had time to catch a show of the Purge and Blumhouse but didn't because I chose Pizza Fries and JW instead, which were good. The most I waited last night was 45 minutes for Evil Dead, the worst line was Monstrous because of that gap that had to be cut off since it connected to another pathway but it was still only 40 mins. Also, a lot of the wait times were overbloated or in TLOU case comically overbloated where it was posted at 140 mins when in reality it was only 30. A proper plan with Early Entry made it possible which, Early Entry itself was nowhere near as bad as people are exaggerating. Now yes if you did TLOU first you probably got the worst of it but being able to do 3 houses (essentially 5 if you get to H-Lot before 7) was way better than doing only 1 (The Weeknd) last year because everyone had access and slammed them. For 10 dollars to hard cut wait times I'll take it, it's still going to get crowded as the case with HHN but compared to big years like 2019 and 2022 I saw the difference. So Operations weren't horrible, (at least not Thursdays, I will probably retract my statement when Saturday rolls around :skull:)

But overall this has got to be one of the best nights of HHN I have ever done and it's only the first night, I can't wait to see how things go over the coming season.
Opening Night First Impressions :cool:
To begin, I would like to preface that these are my biased and very scatterbrained first impressions, and I apologize in advance for the double/triple posting since I have a lot of thoughts.
I will also specify I did not see Last of Us or Exorcist, nor did I see Purge or Blumhouse Behind the Scenes (though I intend to see all of them within the next two weekends.) I also missed out on early entry itself due to the nightmare traffic that is the Orange County to Universal City commute. Will not make the mistake of not showing up at least an hour before 5 again. Spoilers Inbound

That said, once I was in, I got to experience my very first opening ceremony since 2015, which was kinda a nice way to start my 10th year attending the event, even though it was all pretty cramped and not nearly the mad dash it was back in the day, still a treat to see all the monsters cutting through the crowd and get those fleeting glimpses of what to expect for your night.

Universal Monsters Unmasked: (Listed Wait: 35 minutes, Actual Wait: 3 Minutes)
This was undoubtedly one of the mazes I was most excited for from the start, I've always wanted a Phantom and Quasi house, or really just anything digging into the more under appreciated monsters, and I really really wanted this to be that to me. Unfortunately, it really didn't live up to my expectations. I complained in the orlando thread that it feels like it's just a series of broken up segments with each of the monsters acting out their individual stories rather than something cohesive, but Hollywoods version was kinda the same issue brought to its extreme. It didn't feel like a cohesive story, and the monsters felt even more separated because of how many black walls were between each scene. That said, what's there is wonderful. I loved seeing Invisible Man again after all these years even if he only has one scene, and the Quasi molten bucket scare got me way harder than I expected. I definitely respect the effort, but I think in the wake of their big anniversary, I feel like Phantom and Quasi shouldve had the sole spotlight duking it out in more environments than just the catacombs and the hell club/grand guignol, simply titling the maze Universal Monsters: Silent Screams.

Chucky Ultimate Kill Count: (Listed Wait: 20 Minutes, Actual Wait: 15 Minutes)
This maze on the other hand, was an absolute treat and bounced everything back instantly. So many nods to the series itself which gets big points from me, and lots of other easter eggs and wonderful little gags. Especially with the sheer number of animatronics, it felt at times like walking through a dark ride, theres just so many little scenes going on all at once with so much energy, I feel like I'm gonna need to go through it ten more times to even catch most of the details. Oddly, possibly the best smelling maze this year. On top of that, I think the meta elements were done in a way that was fun and not distracting, it worked as a love letter to Chucky for all the years HHN has neglected him, even if you don't catch the self aware backstory. This was a lingering fan favorite amongst my group all night. Cherry on top is getting to see GiGi represented in full articulated animation, big bonus points from me. Really just blows Orlando's out of the water.

To Be Continued, 1/3
To Be Continued, 1/3
Terror Tram The Exterminatorz: (Listed Wait: 5 Minutes, Actual Wait: 0 Minutes)
There's a lot less to say here, as at the end of the day, it's still just terror tram. But, having said that, this is probably my favorite tram in recent memory, maybe since 2016. Just really campy cheesy goodness that feels surprisingly thoughtfully crafted despite that, like it feels like they had a lot of ideas on the table that they genuinely wanted to enact, which is a lot more than can be said for certain years where you see the same generic gags used. Talent were really going at it, and for the first time in a long time terror tram is one of the places where my group got the densed amount of targetted scares towards us. Weird little note, but also I think this is the one year where it would've been nice to have the Mummy Tunnel still on the tour, could've been a fun payoff to have the tram get sqwooged since we'd already seen what it can do to a person early on. Nice to see the exterminatorz back after a long rest, and I think it might be kinda fun to see them in their own maze sometime in the future following this up. Only taking points off because the sqwooge room didn't actually smell like hot apple pie like Larry claims, very sad, very tragic.

Scarezone: Toyz and Ghostz
Lumping these together, since especially with the lack of set design for ghostz, these are basically just two parts of the same whole and pretty much always have been, especially since pre-2018 they didnt even advertize the chainsaw team and primary scarezone as two separate entities. Honestly, not enthralled by the ghostz costumes, I kinda get what they were going for, but it just doesn't mesh with Toyz, and the looks dont feel as striking as something like Hells Harvest or even Clownsawz. Maybe couldve tied it in more with Toyz? Puppetz? Toy Robotz? idk but it just kinda felt out of place. That said, the actors are killing it as always, I love to see how much more variety you get out of chainsaw scares in hollywood compared to the orlando counterpart or other parks, even though they cant spark them on the ground anymore they are a creative bunch. Toyz is decently charming to me, I really like the character looks, especially the ballerina, symbol monkey, and teddy bear, but as always I wouldve really liked some more set dressing around this area, how much money would it take to add static vignettes of toys attacking people, or convert the fire towers into some kind of toy factory or toy box facade? Better yet just throw in some Brad Dourif dialogue and put a chucky puppeteer center stage somewhere and call it Chucky's Toyz or something, make him our de-facto icon since you already have him taking over a maze to kill people. Just kinda feels like the upper lot zone needs some scenic love if we're stuck with 3 basically 2 zones for the forseeable future.

Food Break: Chucky's True Classic BBQ
Although I'm admittedly not the biggest theme park BBQ enjoyer aside from Knotts, I tend to make an effort to eat at Hollywood and Dine every time I attend, just because it's a really fun tradition to get to eat and still stay in the action and get to watch scares in progress. That said, the food itself was pretty solid. I opted for the corndog, and the rest of my group got the mac and cheese and nashville hot sandwich which I got to try. The corn dog is generally fine, I think the aioli was kinda an odd choice since adding a fatty sauce on a meal already fried seems strange to me, wouldve prefered some kind of hot sauce or nacho cheese sauce to pair better with the crumble. Mac and cheese was really tasty and what I would personally recommend getting if you opt for this location, and the nashville hot sandwich was very well seasoned, but very dry, really not much sauce on it at all.

Evil Dead Rise: (Listed Wait: 40 Minutes, Actual Wait: 10 Minutes)
Rise was Honestly Really up there for my anticipated mazes, partially because I wanted to see how it would differ from Horror Hotel, kinda like getting to see an alternate history where a house that never came to be actually did, and also because I love Evil Dead Rise as a movie, I think it perfectly bridges og series splatstick with the remakes gore. I am very happy to say I was not disappointed. Although the skeleton was the same, Rise felt very different from its past counterpart. It was really a great representation of the movie from start to finish, and covered far more bases than I would've imagined from last year. That said, no cheese grater? Not that I saw at least. Pretty much perfect adaptation of what I wanted for the movie, even if I was wrong about there being a vignette of the fusion creature getting saw'd into the wood chipper. Only real gripe is they were not spacing out groups at all, it was a near constant flow, which on one hand made the wait near nonexistent, but it also made scare pacing pretty rough.

Monstruos The Monsters of Latin America: (Listed Wait: 45 Minutes, Actual Wait: 25 Minutes)
In my opinion, this might be the most cohesive execution of anthology concept I can think of in HHN's past. Starting with a real host laying out the story for you, the transition scenes are actual scenes and not just black walls, and it actually uses the storyteller Muerte motif as an effective bookend. The cast was also killing it, being absolutely aggressive and getting me and my group effectively even when we already saw them ahead of time. I will say, this maze felt very El Silbon heavy, and it wouldve been nice to see a bit more of the others, but overall I think all of their scenes were super memorable and effective. Really hope the wait time stays on the lower end of things so I can keep doing it again and again, just a really great time and I wanna spend more time checking it out to catch all the little details.

To Be Concluded, 2/3
To Be Concluded, 2/3
Scarezone: El Terror De Las Momias
I've said for a while now that ever since 2021, the French Street scarezone has been the best every year, and I think that really holds true even now. The cast was killing it all night, and the fog with all those colorful lights is always just really beautiful and makes for such effective scares. I need to bring up the scareactor portraying Muerte the Gravedigger as well, because they were going absolutely insane, getting scare after scare with seemingly unending energy, and somehow never showing any tells of when they were about to go after somebody, and the jangly necklace made for a really unsettling effect that I'd hold to a similar pedestal to the sound of spurs or slider boots in ghost town, I'm an absolute sucker for monster costumes that have a sound element to them. The skeleton queens were also killing it, and the mummies were super strong at sneaking up on people. That said, why are they reusing the audio from Pueblo Del Terror last year? It's veryt La Llorona centric so it feels pretty out of place. Really just a great cast and zone all around though.

Stranger Things 4: (Listed Wait: 45 Minutes, Actual Wait: 45 Minutes)
I really wish I had more nice things to say about this, but I kinda don't. I was fully ready to buckle down for a 45 minute wait, so I really can't complain in that department, but jeez, I really cannot imagine waiting an hour or more for that maze and getting what it is. It's not the worst Stranger Things maze, Season 2 still gets that honor, but still, despite more money clearly being put into it and there being less black walls, it still just doesn't live up to 2018 to me. One thing I just have to mention, the queue is just too darn loud, the part inside the soundstage specifically. I genuinely had to cover my ears for most of it especially in the final stretch thats closest to the speakers, I forgot to bring my earplugs but I genuinely recommend anyone intending to do this house with more than a walk on wait do so, it felt like the 20 minutes or so we were inside we were all risking some serious hearing damage, and that alone made an otherwise tolerable wait near agonizing. Unfortunately, once we were past the queue, what was inside was just really bland. Very sparse scares and the timing felt off, even though they were clearly making an effort to space out groups evenly. That said, big props to the talent portraying Steve, because he really caught me off guard and landed one of the strongest startles for me of the night. Props as well to the Max and Lucas talent, as they were really giving it their all to still try and get some scares in a wide open well lit room, where theyre also required to act out a scripted scene, they're spinning a lot of plates and probably don't get the recognition they deserve. There were some cool looking sets as well, I think Vecnas lair looked fine, honestly really disappointed that that curved room everyone was talking about during construction was just a screen for a transition, even though it was a decent looking transition for what it is. That said though, no Running up that Hill scene in any form, no Master of Puppets, no anything in russia with the demogorgon, kinda barely any vecna too, I feel like there were almost as many Brenner actors in there as Vecna ones. I'd say maybe I got a bad run, but it was the middle of the night, so unless people's shifts ended way early and half the cast had already left, idk about this one chief. Will probably only do again for early entry or if i get express on my final night.

Holidayz in Hell: (Listed Wait: 15 Minutes, Actual Wait: 15 Minutes)
Good ol Holidayz, feels weird to really not have much to say about it after that massive chunk of text about ST4, but I mean, its holidayz. It was one of my favorites in 2019, and I'm really happy to say I think its actually been plussed a little since then, rather than something like Klowns which only degraded. A lot less black walls, though I'm pretty bummed that most of the postcards have been shrunk down to fit the venue, kinda sad to know they had to cut down some of that great artwork. Outside of that, it's all the goodness you'd expect from the OG, though I am kinda sad that we didn't get to see some of the promised effects from the original Monsterpalooza 2019 announcement, such as the leprechaun pouring molten gold over a victim, or the christmas tree monster. The New Years baby from the scarezone and the facade's fog bubbles are also sorely missed. Even then, it's just as good as it was back then, and I think that's kinda cozy. Happy to see it, but wouldnt wait more than 20 minutes for it since I already did it 23 times back in 2019 (the wonders of being an unemployed college student with an Amtrak pass and an FFP).

The Final Ranking
3.) Ghostz
2.) Toyz
1.) El Terror De Las Momias

7.) Stranger Things 4
6.) Universal Monsters Unmasked
5.) Holidayz in Hell
4.) Terror Tram: The Exterminatorz
3.) Evil Dead Rise
2.) Monstruos: Monsters of Latin America
1.) Chucky: Ultimate Kill Count
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