Accusations Leveled Against Academy of Villains and Christopher Jennings/Pharside | Inside Universal Forums

Accusations Leveled Against Academy of Villains and Christopher Jennings/Pharside

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Feb 15, 2012
Topic warning: abuse, sexual abuse, racism, pedophilia.

This morning accusations were leveled against the dance troupe Academy of Villains for physically abusive working conditions, including at HHN, and directly against Christoper Jennings (aka Pharside) including but not limited to racial slurs, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and predatory grooming.

The original hour-long video.

A brief summary thread of the video.

We believe the victims and believe their statements demand action from the Academy of Villains, Universal Orlando Resort, and others. Those actions include, but are not limited to, a thorough investigation of the working conditions at all HHNs.

Chris has followed up with a statement.

These are the rules of discussion, they cannot be crossed and the administrator will handle any violations.
  2. Treat this topic respectfully and seriously as it deserves.
  3. Do not victim-blame or excuse abuse. No "they shouldn't be wearing such revealing outfits" or the like.
  4. This is about these accusations, not any other discussion on society or culture at large including cherry-picked false accusations of past.
  5. Please do not travel to "who knew" territory.
This is an live wire right now with developments unfolding quickly. We ask for the following guidelines for discussions:
  • Please respect the wishes and feelings of the victims first. It takes a lot of strength and will to put career and life on the line to warn others and bring people to justice.
  • This is not an indictment of individual dancers or the larger company outside of those accused.
  • If you enjoyed prior AoV shows this does not make you a bad person or complicit. Do not attack others who have enjoyed the show in the past.
  • This is not the place to discuss the past creative decisions of the Halloween Horror Nights.
  • Do not discuss bringing back Bill & Ted, other show replacements, etc. Read the room.
Speaking as a woman, and, frankly, as a victim of sexual assault, I fully support the women and children standing up to their abusers and I hope they get the justice and peace they deserve. As for their abusers, and anyone that may have turned a blind eye to their abuse, I hope they learn from this and are held accountable for their actions and/or inactions.

@Joe put it perfectly, so I’ll just echo his sentiments, but this thread will be watched closely. If you cannot speak on these allegations with the utmost respect to the victims, I ask that you seriously consider whether you should speak on these allegations at all.
Topic warning: abuse, sexual abuse, racism, pedophilia.

This morning accusations were leveled against the dance troupe Academy of Villains for physically abusive working conditions, including at HHN, and directly against Christoper Jennings (aka Pharside) including but not limited to racial slurs, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and predatory grooming.

The original hour-long video.

A brief summary thread of the video.

We believe the victims and believe their statements demand action from the Academy of Villains, Universal Orlando Resort, and others. Those actions include, but are not limited to, a thorough investigation of the working conditions at all HHNs.

Chris has followed up with a statement.

These are the rules of discussion, they cannot be crossed and the administrator will handle any violations.
  2. Treat this topic respectfully and seriously as it deserves.
  3. Do not victim-blame or excuse abuse. No "they shouldn't be wearing such revealing outfits" or the like.
  4. This is about these accusations, not any other discussion on society or culture at large including cherry-picked false accusations of past.
  5. Please do not travel to "who knew" territory.
This is an live wire right now with developments unfolding quickly. We ask for the following guidelines for discussions:
  • Please respect the wishes and feelings of the victims first. It takes a lot of strength and will to put career and life on the line to warn others and bring people to justice.
  • This is not an indictment of individual dancers or the larger company outside of those accused.
  • If you enjoyed prior AoV shows this does not make you a bad person or complicit. Do not attack others who have enjoyed the show in the past.
  • This is not the place to discuss the past creative decisions of the Halloween Horror Nights.
  • Do not discuss bringing back Bill & Ted, other show replacements, etc. Read the room.

Only thing I'll say is Joe and Clint are right in calling that a statement and not an apology.
Being a creative lead in any sort of project does not entitle one to be a jerk. I'm sorry anyone had to feel that pressure.

When I was in school in sports, coaches would have us push through a couple more drills before a water break because you lose momentum. I get it- in theory-but if all of these people are professionals, their bodies are their instrument and should be cared for as such, not pushed until they break.

The youth team thing I'm not touching with a 10 foot poll.

I hope things are investigated properly and the victims affected feel some sort of justice after all is said and done.
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Absolutely devastating. I believe these women and hate how they were hurt.

I am so unbelievably thankful for their bravery coming forward. I pray the abuser will be brought to justice.

This is just so heartbreaking to me. We all saw the show, we all loved the show, and yet in the background THIS was happening.

I am just so unbelievably heartbroken and angry tonight as I hear these women's testimonies.
Not to diminish the seriousness of this, but could you imagine if HHN was still on and this happened three weeks before opening?
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There is a ton of systemic abuse in the entertainment industry where everyone is willing or basically required to put up with a lot of harassment to advance. The people in positions of power can basically ruin your career. We have seen the same kind of stories time and time again. I generally believe the victims because the abusers have created a system where we all are supposed to doubt anyone who complains because they are framed as looking for a payout.

I think about some of the people in government who questioned people exposing corruption that they just want to get a book deal that they can sell. Normal people are not willing to risk their livelihood and reputation for money from a book deal that is not the way normal people think. Normal people just want to have a nice family and the Legacy they can leave of respect for their contribution to the world.
I can really only hope that the abuser is brought to justice and that the victims can continue their careers without fear. The allegations are absolutely horrific, and I believe them to be genuine. I would completely understand if much of the company decides to just disband and seek other work, an abusive workplace can be tough to repair. If they are able to make it work, letting their team and work environment become healthier and more responsible now and into the future, I would love to see them return to making their art. I hope each performer will do whatever is best for them.

While it is tough to hear, this is what is needed for the creative industry to be better. It is horrible that it ever got to that point, but now that we are here, we can work to make things better.
I wanted to say thank you for sharing this story and for laying out ground rules that allow for respectful and thoughtful discussion of the events. I've been following this on Instagram primarily for the last day and it has truly been heartbreaking to hear so many stories of abuse and trauma not only with women involved in AOV but adult male dancers and children involved in their YSC groups. Devastating. I'm proud of them for owning their truth and making this visible to the community--that's such a hard thing to do and I think they will help a lot of people by doing this and hopefully bring about justice.
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I just was able to finish watching Cierra Lauren’s first IG Iive on the subject and, as difficult as it was to watch (and I will be watching the other live’s she had as well) it is so crucial to see. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend watching it if you can, because I realized that it is so, so much worse than just what is recapped on Twitter-as if that wasn’t horrific enough. I’m so, so sorry to all the people that were traumatized by that poor excuse for a man.

As for the allegations of the abusive working conditions that were implemented on Universal property, regardless of his multiple “apologies” and now leaving the team, I sincerely hope that Universal cuts ties, does a thorough investigation of what was happening in their park, and if God forbid there was anyone in the ranks at Universal that was aware of what that man was doing, and turned a blind eye to it-that they are held accountable for their part in this.
I just was able to finish watching Cierra Lauren’s first IG Iive on the subject and, as difficult as it was to watch (and I will be watching the other live’s she had as well) it is so crucial to see. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend watching it if you can, because I realized that it is so, so much worse than just what is recapped on Twitter-as if that wasn’t horrific enough. I’m so, so sorry to all the people that were traumatized by that poor excuse for a man.

As for the allegations of the abusive working conditions that were implemented on Universal property, regardless of his multiple “apologies” and now leaving the team, I sincerely hope that Universal cuts ties, does a thorough investigation of what was happening in their park, and if God forbid there was anyone in the ranks at Universal that was aware of what that man was doing, and turned a blind eye to it-that they are held accountable for their part in this.

Agreed--I watched most of the videos yesterday and caught a few of them live and they really did shine light on so so many additional problems to what is on other platforms. The various guests Cierra has on the lives each share their own perspective and their own personal experiences (as well as other instances they were witness to), but it really illuminates the repeated pattern. It was hard to get through. Two of the other "higher ups" (Francis and Erika? I think?) did a live last night as well, largely defending AOV (at least the first 10-15 minutes or so, it was late so I did not finish it), though not defending the sexual abuse allegations. Not sure if that is available to view still, but it just shows how this is a developing situation. I will be interested to see how Universal responds to this.
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Agreed--I watched most of the videos yesterday and caught a few of them live and they really did shine light on so so many additional problems to what is on other platforms. The various guests Cierra has on the lives each share their own perspective and their own personal experiences (as well as other instances they were witness to), but it really illuminates the repeated pattern. It was hard to get through. Two of the other "higher ups" (Francis and Erika? I think?) did a live last night as well, largely defending AOV (at least the first 10-15 minutes or so, it was late so I did not finish it), though not defending the sexual abuse allegations. Not sure if that is available to view still, but it just shows how this is a developing situation. I will be interested to see how Universal responds to this.

I’ve watched a lot today and I’m honestly emotionally fried so a coherent train of thought is a little tough for me right now-I’m gonna stop for today and catchup again tomorrow, but, IMO, Universal absolutely has to do something about this. Both publicly and privately, silence is compliance and they cannot ignore these allegations.
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Just saw the video is gone. Anyone have any idea what happened?

I recommend reading the petition because her story is in there, but that first video was basically just the tip of the iceberg.

Summarizing some more from the allegations in the IG lives that have come out since then under the cut, apologies in advance if any of this is slightly incorrect cause it’s been a while since I’ve watched them.

  • Teenage boy got his nose broken by CJ because between work, school & rehearsals, he couldn’t make a prop in time.
  • Told a group of teenage boys if they messed up again he’d be socking them in the gut, when one of them failed to land a backflip perfectly-they were all punched in the stomach.
  • Ran scams across the country (and the world) choosing dancers for their teams, charging monthly for tuition then doing nothing with them. No classes, no training, no competitions, no auditions, no job opportunities. Only correspondence was emails reminding them to pay their tuition.
  • Would stop calling BIPOC by their name when they’d mess up and instead refer to them as “that n word”.
  • Would stop calling LGBTQ+ dancers by their name when they’d mess up and instead refer to them as “that f word”.
  • When a dancer would leave the team, even if they thought they were leaving peacefully, all were shunned by the rest of the team and some would be attacked and beaten up by others.
  • There’s A LOT more (read the comments of the petition, too) over the course of literally 10 hours of videos. Trigger warning for all of it though: sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, coerced drug use, pedophilia, the list goes on.