The Last of Us (HHN 32) | Inside Universal Forums

The Last of Us (HHN 32)

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
The Last of Us is coming to Halloween Horror Nights! #HHN32 #UniversalHHN

My dream IP has finally come.

I have waited a literal decade for this moment. I’ve been asking for a house based on TLOU since June 13, 2014:
I would love to see a house based on The Last of Us actually, although the general theme is fairly similar to TWD.
The first mention of TLOU as a possible IP was immediately after HHN 23 in November 2013, only 5 months after the game was released by @ThemeParks4Life:
Since TWD is taking place at the prison again this season, they'll either reuse the house or get rid of it. As for IP houses, my guess is there'll be 4:

Treehouse of Horror
American Horror Story
A Video Game house (either The Last of Us or Bioshock)
A classic horror movie house (could be anything)

See you in the fog. If you think I won’t be cosplaying as Joel you are so wrong.
This has been #1 on my wishlist for a LONG time.
My dream IP has finally come.
It's time for all the TLOU fans to celebrate!
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You will not regret playing the game. It is a masterpiece.
I fully expect to love it as much as everyone says honestly. For whatever reason, I've lost motivation to play most games in recent years, but this has always been on my list since it seems right up my alley. Looking forward to finally checking it out. And incredibly excited for everyone who has been waiting so long for this one.
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So the official description seems to suggest the entire house is set in Pittsburgh. Could someone who’s played the games outline some scenes it could include from that part of the game?
Pittsburgh is the most infected-heavy portion of the game, so it kinda makes sense. It lends itself to a house the most because it takes place in a city with tall buildings, interiors, etc.
I fully expect to love it as much as everyone says honestly. For whatever reason, I've lost motivation to play most games in recent years, but this has always been on my list since it seems right up my alley. Looking forward to finally checking it out. And incredibly excited for everyone who has been waiting so long for this one.
If you’re going to play it, you might as well play the PS5 version they released last year. It’s the definitive version of the game so if it’s your first time it’s the one I’d recommend.