I had fun with FALLEN KINGDOM, but I have to admit I was somewhat disappointed by it. There's some great action in the first act, but it's marred by some truly atrocious character writing and plotting, then the movie bogs down in the midsection before recovering in a major way for the last half hour, which I thought was a ton of (admittedly silly) fun.
The characters overall just didn't work for me at all in this one, save for Owen (who is only worth a damn because Chris Pratt is such a charm machine) and Maisie; the villains fare particularly badly, being essentially full cartoon caricatures. Contrast that with the first JURASSIC PARK, where everybody (except maybe Nedry) feels like a plausibly real human being.
I also found it very curious that the movie's premise seems to be at-odds with the thematic thrust of the entire franchise that has come before (that dinosaurs, though magnificent animals, should have remained extinct). The movie asks us to care about Claire's change of heart and dedication to the dinos, but her goal is absolutely absurd.
But almost everything involving the dinosaurs themselves is great, and I loved the funhouse ride vibe of the third act.
I actually think horror is right up JP/JWs alley and the original JP really showed how it can be done well. I think the fact that they're mixing comedy with horror is partly why the film to me doesn't feel cohesive. It's an odd duck.
It's the particular brand of humor in FALLEN KINGDOM that feels out-of-place, not the presence of humor in and of itself. JURASSIC PARK has humor, but it is totally organic to the characters and it never, ever (EVER) undercuts the suspense or the scares. The humor in FK
frequently does that -- I point to just about every moment involving the timid tech guy as my evidence; he conforms to the old trope of the "guy out of his element whose fear and screams are used for laughs," and every attempt at humor at his expense undermines what should otherwise be intense sequences.