Ridding the Toxicity | Inside Universal Forums

Ridding the Toxicity

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
As many of you probably saw, the Pandora thread got really heated over the weekend; going way beyond friendly debate or difference of opinion. To be frank, it got toxic.

Part of it could be blamed on us, and me especially; as I try to let everyone have a voice regardless of how crazy or different it may differ to mine, or anyone else's viewpoint - but that needs to change. I really don't want another Pandora issue again. With an imminent merger, this is not the way I want to start this new era. The Staff and I will be cracking down more on posters who are being asses to people just because they have a different opinion.

In case you haven't seen the "Screenz" thread - It's really tough to ban someone as I don't want to ban anyone - unless they obviously crossed some serious lines. After the debacle of the Pandora thread, several people were on thin lines - with Miketheboss being one of them. Even after a warning yesterday, he tried to get cute again and I let it slide. He did it again tonight, and enough is enough.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to get defensive or cute at someone's difference of opinion is where I draw the line. If you feel your opinion is being judged harshly, harassed, ridiculed, etc.. please PM any of the Staff or use the Report feature so the Staff can take a look. Please note, not every difference of opinion is going to fall under these terms; so please use your best judgement before submitting it to the Staff.
I really liked miketheboss' input on things. He just couldn't let it go. Even publicly, there were multiple warnings. You did all you could. Thanks Brian- running a board must suck (most of the time).
I have no idea what happened on the Pandora thread, but I have to say you seem the boards pretty well and generally show great tolerance, heck, even Fatality was given a lot of rope. Anyway, every so often you have to take control so that things don't spiral out of control, nothing is worse than sides where everything is chaos, tends to invite too much trolling as well.
I missed whatever transpired in the Pandora thread, and I have nothing but respect for Brian and the way he handles things here. I know it’s difficult to patrol what everybody says, and I really appreciate the community here.

We’re all passionate about this stuff, but at the end of the day, we’re talking about theme parks, here. There should be no reason for things to get unpleasant. I’ll often see opinions expressed that I (strongly!) disagree with, but that doesn’t mean those opinions are necessarily less valid than my own. Nobody should take it so personally that they start getting upset about it, just as I don’t think anybody should go out of his/her way to deliberately needle and troll others with different views.

Within reason, most points of view should be respected, and those holding them should feel comfortable expressing them if coming from a genuine place.
I just want to say my opinions are mine/may be reflected by others I know and I truly hope do not offend, shock, troll, etc. I feel somewhat responsible for the Pandora thread by stating somethings despite how unpopular they were and I'm sorry that it derailed the thread.
I just want to say my opinions are mine/may be reflected by others I know and I truly hope do not offend, shock, troll, etc. I feel somewhat responsible for the Pandora thread by stating somethings despite how unpopular they were and I'm sorry that it derailed the thread.
I don't think you should blame yourself, that forum has been on edge since it started.
I have no idea what happened on the Pandora thread, but I have to say you seem the boards pretty well and generally show great tolerance, heck, even Fatality was given a lot of rope. Anyway, every so often you have to take control so that things don't spiral out of control, nothing is worse than sides where everything is chaos, tends to invite too much trolling as well.


I'm still not entirely sure what happened on that thread.
Thanks for the good words everyone.

Banning a user for a week or a month is never an easy decision. Usually that person is already on thin ice and has been warned. Permanent banning is a much strong offense (trying to DOX a user, etc).

As Brian said use the report tool and PM us directly and if you see anything. We might not have seen that yet or are watching for afar; your thoughts and opinions on the matter play into how we handle it.
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Thanks for the good words everyone.

Banning a user for a week or a month is never an easy decision. Usually that person is already on thin ice and has been warned. Permanent banning is a much strong offense (trying to DOX a user, etc).

As Brian said use the report tool and PM us directly and if you see anything. We might not have seen that yet or are watching for afar; your thoughts and opinions on the matter play into how we handle it.
What happened to Fatality?
The key lesson here - Don't be getting cute on Orlando United!

Anybody that DOX's on here should be banned immediately - no questions asked. We can have a friendly debate, but that's simply taking it to a psychotic level. :ban:

I admire the patience levels that some of you have on here.
Props to Brian + all of the mods for the work they do here. This is the only theme park forum (heck, the only forum) I regularly interact with because the great community and the stellar moderation. It's incredibly rare for anywhere on the Internet to have as little drama as OU and the moderators are really to credit for that.

Anyway we could get a TLDR on what happened with Pandora? I'm one of those people who doesn't put their curiosity in check :)

EDIT: I really have to thank everyone else too. People self-moderate around here, which is more than I can say for most other theme park forums...