10 Cloverfield Lane | Inside Universal Forums

10 Cloverfield Lane

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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
In some cases, there are surprises that come out of left field at times.. And boy, ain't this one.

Set to release in March of this year, "10 Cloverfield Lane" seems to be a spiritual successor to the Matt Reeves film; Cloverfield.

When the trailer is publicly released (as its launching its trailer with 13 HOURS), I'll put it up.

So, surprised to the reveal of Cloverfield returning? Comment below as I'm now excited for this.
This was a brilliant move by JJ. He used Star Wars to hide this film in plain sight. This movie has been testing for months under the name Valencia. From what I hear, it's a sci-fi version of Misery and they knocked it out of the park. Written by Academy Award nominee Damien Chazelle (Whiplash).
I haven't been this initially excited about a movie since the original Cloverfield. What incredible marketing! Less than 2 months prior to release? A supposed 5 mil budget must mean Paramount is willing to take the risk and I think its smart!

My thoughts? Part of me is thinking "Cloverfield" is an alias for sci-fi original concepts that Bad Robot will continue to push out. In order to not piss people off, you still need some high concept outside that door, but I think it won't be the monster we are all suspecting. Either way, can't wait! Bravo Abrams!
This was a brilliant move by JJ. He used Star Wars to hide this film in plain sight. This movie has been testing for months under the name Valencia. From what I hear, it's a sci-fi version of Misery and they knocked it out of the park. Written by Academy Award nominee Damien Chazelle (Whiplash).

Also considering that this is being directed by the man of Dan Trachtenberg; who did the short films "Portal: No Escape" and "More Than You Can Chew".

It has the biggest potential for a film that I've seen for a while that can hit it right out the ballpark, and with the creative team; I have big hopes that they can.
I haven't been this initially excited about a movie since the original Cloverfield. What incredible marketing! Less than 2 months prior to release? A supposed 5 mil budget must mean Paramount is willing to take the risk and I think its smart!

My thoughts? Part of me is thinking "Cloverfield" is an alias for sci-fi original concepts that Bad Robot will continue to push out. In order to not piss people off, you still need some high concept outside that door, but I think it won't be the monster we are all suspecting. Either way, can't wait! Bravo Abrams!

I believe JJ has gone on record saying it takes place in the same universe. From the very beginning, the concept of future Cloverfield films would be that they wouldn't be "sequels" but rather different stories revolving around the incident (lead-up to it, fallout from it, etc). My hunch is that we will be seeing the parasites from Cloverfield in this film.
Actually, it sounds like it isn't in the same universe at all, from what I'm reading on Twitter. Apparently people at a test screening called it a "Twilight Zone"-esque story.

The exact term JJ Abrams used was "Blood Relative". I took that as in the same world as the Cloverfield attacks, but not based directly on a monster movie.
Actually, it sounds like it isn't in the same universe at all, from what I'm reading on Twitter. Apparently people at a test screening called it a "Twilight Zone"-esque story.

People on Twitter also were unaware that there was supposed to be any connection to Cloverfield. I have heard that it will indeed reference the attacks and there are some ties.
That is how a trailer should be! Well put together, draws you in, but doesn't give it all away! Just give you a small very tiny hint. The fact that there is discussion of wether its a sequel or just in the same universe, means it is doing it's job well. I am stoked for this!

Definitely not a sequel. But you're right, great trailer!
Cloverfield is one of my all time favorites. At this point the internet has already decreed this as the sequel. It will be interesting to see if there is a backlash if its not. Especially with that title.
I'm not expecting the monster to show up. Even if this turns people off the budget is so low Paramount can take the risk.

Even with CGI being easier to do now than imagined, I agree on the actual monster from the first...I could see some sort of practical effect though; mainly what Nuclear Fallout could look like in the Cloverfield universe. If theres any mutated species of man that Mankind had to deal with.
A few things to remember:

  • JJ confirmed the monster was killed in the airstrike.
  • The monster was technically "a baby"
  • There are many more monsters and eggs in the ocean
  • The chemicals in the parasite bites are thought to be highly constagious
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