HHN XX: Best House | Inside Universal Forums

HHN XX: Best House

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Which house was your favorite of 2010?

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Aug 17, 2009
Now that the event is over, which house do you think was best. "Horror Nights - The Hallow'd Past" was the most anticipated. Did it deliver?
My favorite was Catacombs. Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd enjoy a tent house as much as I did with Catacombs.
This was so tough, I went with Hades over Catacombs even though I view them both as my number 1. Also even though Hades was my favorite I really would like to see Catacombs get House of the Year.
Legendary Truth - not due to its consistency (way too timing based), but due to the inventiveness of its scares, gorgeous sets, and solid casts. I support the wicked innovation found in this house, and I hope we see more of it in the future.

Catacombs was a VERY close second - most consistent, intense house of the event with some very solid sets and theming I really enjoy.

The Orfanage rounds out my Top 3 - incredibly atmospheric & creepy house with fantastic casts & sets. Great to see Cindy.

I'm not sure I understand the love for Hades. I'm a HUGE fan of Greek mythos and I found the house to be pretty unremarkable - there was no real plot, just a barrage of mythical creatures (many of which don't even exist in Hades...). I don't know, I felt like too much was cut - no Cerberus, no Hydra tentacles, no Hades (WTF?) - and I found the sets lackluster. Mind you, it's still my #4 for intensity and the greatness of its costumes, but surely not the best house ever (at least in my opinion).
I voted for Hades, my first run in that house was the best of the event. While not as good as my most intense house of all time, Screamhouse '06, its very high on my HHN ranking. Catacombs came in a very close 2nd.
Hallow'd Past gets my vote, although there were some that come very close. Since this was my first time being at HHN, I found it great to not only view a glimpse of past houses, but to also be totally scared and get such great variety in scenes.
Hades was my absolute favorite, but I could understand how Havoc won HOTY. That house had some serious soul, and it was all thanks to those actors. My second favorite house. I only hope to see more Havoc in the coming years.