The new "Like" System | Inside Universal Forums

The new "Like" System

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
This is mostly my fault as I didn't set what the new Like system entailed but might as well explain it later than never at all... :lol:

The Like system has changed, obviously. The reactions are as follows:

  • Like
  • Love
  • Laughing (or Haha)
  • Wow!
  • Sad
  • Angry
  • Dislike
Most are self-explanatory. However, I wanted to take the time to explain the "Dislike" reaction. The goal of it is to help with a bit of "Self-Moderation". We want the Dislike to be used for people causing trouble and being rude.

Basically, don't use "Dislike" because you disagree with someone. If you disagree, engage in the convo and respond as to why you do. "Drive-By Dislikes" doesn't add to forum engagement. The reactions are weighted, which influences a user's rep - but since I'm expecting an initial learning curve, I have turned off the negative scores for Dislike.
Bumping because I've noticed a few users using the dislike feature for "bad news" or similar posts. Remember, the "Dislike" post is meant to be used for troublemakers or rude posts - not disagreeing with an opinion. I'm not going to single out the users yet, but please - if this applies to you, just keep that in mind for the future.

In the meantime, I've removed the dislikes for the posts that did not warrant it.
Ok so we're still having a few issues with the use of Dislike. For the most part, everyone has handled it correctly - but there are still a few who use it because they do not agree with the post.

I don't want to remove the feature as it gives you guys a voice when someone begins causing trouble and can help us moderators make decisions.

SOOOOO... the only remedy I can think of is to take away the ability to react to posts if a user keeps abusing the dislike button. We'll give a 1x warning. If the user abuses it again, they will no longer be able to react to any post, at all - including "Likes".
I’m getting a lot of dislikes just because I don’t agree with someone’s COVID-19 thoughts. Maybe they need to be warned.
Maybe it’s time to just get rid of dislikes altogether and go back to the “report” feature only for troublemakers. It seems like we just can’t get a handle on this.

Yeah - was actually contemplating this earlier.

For now, the Dislike feature has been axed. Please use the Report feature to alert the mods of any trouble. Thanks!
Yeah - was actually contemplating this earlier.

For now, the Dislike feature has been axed. Please use the Report feature to alert the mods of any trouble. Thanks!
Thank you Brian. Good move. It has ruined other theme park boards (won't mention names). But again. Thank you.
  • Like
Reactions: NotPennysBoat
Any chance you will go to having Disqus discussions on your main articles instead of coming to the threads? I believe you did have that at one time.