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The In-Between

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
An ominous portal reveals another dimension where all is not what it seems; a realm where our world and another collide. Watch out, your eyes will deceive you.

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This is so f'in cool.

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So I'm guessing that this facade will be in "3D". Yeah?

Not as far as I can tell. The facade is already up, and was photographed by someone over at HHNRumors this week, and it doesn't appear to be 3D, plus the blueprint doesn't give any notification that it would be in 3D.

A&D members at the tweetup were especially giddy when they were talking about this house. It's going to be really unique.

Indeed. They mentioned lasers quite a bit, and also said the 3D was very much above and beyond anything they'd used in 3D houses before. There's also supposed to be a room here that will go down as once of those "classic" scenes.

All good to hear about a house I originally wasn't too excited about.

I can't freaking wait, sound awesome, and will be even more disorienting drunk :lol:
And from @JumboshrmpX
"In Between was AMAZING! The 3D makes it very disorienting. One room has an effect that makes it feel like there's no floor."

I can't wait to see this in person! :happy: