Please Welcome our Newest Moderators! | Inside Universal Forums

Please Welcome our Newest Moderators!

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
I'd like to formally welcome @Jake S (aka Ninjahert) @Nico and @Michael S (aka ImaginerdMike) to the team.

In addition, Michael will be joining us as our new Hollywood Correspondent who will be helping with USH's monthly photo updates as Akane will be leaving the team soon.

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who submitted their name for consideration. The forum is nothing without you guys, so I appreciate the offers to help.
I know, I know, it is a little too soon... but...

Not looking great so far if *I* of all theme park posters (*me* for crying out loud!) can get an emoji sooner than you. Time to ask Brian where the real power is. :lmao:


I do hope that it is clear that I thank you for taking on the job.

And also, that I really really want the beer emoji back.


As promised, copy and paste as you wish!

I'd just like to make a general comment. The new group of moderators are doing an excellent job moderating discussions. Plus, their individual comments are very polite and meaningful. Along with the veteran moderators, who are continuing their fine work, the forum discussions seem very informative, respectful and friendly. Job well done !!!