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Diagon Alley vs Studio Tour

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V.I.P. Member
Dec 2, 2011
Seattle, WA
I just did the HP studio tour in London and wanted to get people's opinions.

Which do you think is a better experience: USF's Diagon Alley or the London Studio Tour. On one hand, USF has a fully working Diagon Alley, complete with effects, rides, and crowds. On the other, London has a much more intimate, museum guide through Potter. Which would you like to see more of in Universal?

Mods: wasn't sure where to put this. Move the thread as you see fit. Thanks for all you do!
I haven't been to the studio your but honestly I feel it's really unfair to compare the two. One was made for massive crowds while maintaining authenticity while the other was created to preserve elements from one of the most successful film series in history. The two are completely different experiences, and someday I'd absolutely love to visit the London tour. For me, Universal's experience allows me to relive it while the studio tour would be great for me as a massive fan of the series and someone who appreciates all that goes into making a film...
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If you are into film making the Studio tour is fun but to be hones the buildings and stuff don't look as they do in the movies so when you are a Potter fan and don't want or care to look behind the curtain you are better of at Universal Studios Orlando's Potter re-creations.
I've done both, as mentioned the Tour gives you more of an insight into the production, as much as you go into the great hall and a mock up of DA you see all of the ceilings of the studio. It's also important to note that the tour is not of the actual studio, it is a purpose built site where they have collected sets and props from DA, inside Hogwarts, Privet Drive etc in a way that allows people to flow through to view them.

All the Potter stuff at UOR is much more immersive, and actually makes you feel like you are there (except for the bright Florida sunshine!!)
I've been blessed enough to be able to do both. For me, it's really hard to compare. I can't say one is better than the other. I loved getting to get up close to some of the props and sets on the tour like Tom Riddle's grave, the entrance to Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts Gates, The Great Hall, The Hogwarts Bridge (which you actually get to walk on), Diagon Alley set (Yes, they rebuilt it inside the tour. I actually prefer Diagon Alley at USF to the real set), Godric's Hollow (Complete with the hole Hermoine blasted so they could escape), the life-size Hogwarts model used in all the films, plus lots lots more. I found getting to do both actually enhanced my appreciation for all the work done on the films and for the work done in Universal Studios.
Diagon Alley set (Yes, they rebuilt it inside the tour.

It's quite clearly not to scale at all though because there isn't enough space to swing a cat behind where the camera would be for some shots.
Diagon was my least favourite part of the studio tour. There were some really, really cool things there - the production design stuff, art department models, artwork and individual props / setpieces - but Diagon wasn't one of them for me. I think my favourite part was actually the potions classroom. Really made me wish it had been included in the FJ dungeon queue as I believe was originally intended.

A lot of the problem with the tour is the suggestion that a set 'exists' in a definitive state. In reality, things get chopped up, changed and rebuilt either a little or a lot all the time. Whether this is for an artistic change or shooting practicality, nothing ever really stays the same for very long. Just look at how many changes Diagon, areas of Hogwarts, even Hogsmeade itself have gone though over the course of the films. All you can ever get from a set tour is an impression of one version of that thing.
It's quite clearly not to scale at all though because there isn't enough space to swing a cat behind where the camera would be for some shots.

Actually, Orlando is not to scale while the Studio tour is right on... watch the movie scenes... Hagrid could practically touch both sides of the street at once in those scenes.
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Actually, Orlando is not to scale while the Studio tour is right on... watch the movie scenes... Hagrid could practically touch both sides of the street at once in those scenes.
Sorry Teebs, I wasn't clear originally. It's not to scale of a working film set. The way they have it setup would have made it impossible to film
Sorry Teebs, I wasn't clear originally. It's not to scale of a working film set. The way they have it setup would have made it impossible to film

Weeeeell, I am thinking of the shot below. While the studio tour was not constructed to allow one side of the street to be rolled out of the way, I believe the original set (below) could be rolled out of the way so that cameras could be set up to shoot one side at a time. That is how many movie sets are constructed to my limited knowledge.

I've done both and Diagon Alley wins hands down. WB tour is great but Diagon Alley is breath taking.
I've done both, and within the last year too. I REALLY don't know.... WWOHP really puts you IN the movie, submerges you in the world and for a short while lets you pretend that it's all real and you're a real witch (or wizard) so it's amazing for a potter fan from that persepective. Whilst the studio tour is just that... always reminding you that it's all smoke and mirrors. It's a brilliant look into the making of the film, and is amazing for a potter fan to see all the real props and sets.

Both have Butterbeer which is brilliant... although the different varities in Flordia have the edge for me.... (warm butterbeer... drool)

So I feel they're both such vastly different experiences you can't say which is better than which!
on the subject of butterbeer apparently the Orlando Butter beer is MUCH nicer than the Warner Bros Tour one... I assumed they were the same but the unofficial universal podcast said the London Butterbeer was disgusting while they love the Universal Orlando Butterbeer.